Looking Ahead

As the HOA Board looks towards the future, we have compiled a list of items and projects that we will work towards accomplishing. This list includes items to bring the subdivision up to date and to restore our common grounds and land to a place that all can enjoy. We currently have income in reserves that are allocated towards these projects.

  • The HOA Board has engaged the services of Katz & Associates to assist us with tax filings for the past 3 years and navigating potential fines and unpaid income penalties.
  • We are accepting bids to update the electrical wiring and junction box at the Hill Trail/Baxter Monuments.
  • We would like to repair loose boards, pressure clean and reseal the walking path bridge located behind 219 Wildbrier.
  • Tree limbs and debris need to be removed from the creek bed. We ask that homeowners refrain from dumping debris in the creek.
  • Fallen trees and honeysuckle need to be cleared from the common ground areas.
  • Restore the walking path behind the Manors of Hill Trail to an identifiable path for all residents to enjoy.
  • Clearly identify all entrances to the common ground areas. The fields of the common grounds are meant for all to enjoy and we have some beautiful areas for recreational activities.