
The following is original poetry inspired by the Whitmore Lake Preserve. Contact us to have your poetry posted!

Poetry so far: Honor Tomorrow, In the Rain.

Honor Tomorrow

The natural bounty of Washtenaw County

Is stewarded by people who care;

Green lands located, green belts created,

Green cash bought sites to spare.

These folk rein-in that human sin,

Of paving with reckless verve.

They’ve taken a stand to protect the land,

At Whitmore Lake Preserve.

Oh, it’s a peaceful place with a sacred grace,

Land of marsh, and woods, and field,

Where turkeys strut and big stags rut,

Where the restless soul is healed.

I’ve seen bald eagle, and owls soar regal,

Hawks and buzzards often circle and scout,

Coyote and fox, turtles (Blanding’s and box),

Quiet companions as I wander about.

Odd colored fungus, some quite humungous,

Paint patterns amid forest debris.

Wild flowers abound, and trillium is found;

There’s just so much of Nature to see!

Its oak savanna, like woodland manna,

Sustains, if you stop and observe.

So I take big bites of the gorgeous sights,

At Whitmore Lake Preserve.

Mother Nature respected, good intentions reflected,

In our restorative effort together.

But more than hard work, it’s a fulfilling perk,

To help friends of fur and feather.

So let’s honor Tomorrow, for from Her we borrow,

The gift we both conserve.

Let the woodlands rebound and the Sandhills resound,

At Whitmore Lake Preserve!

---- Craig Wagner

For those who have worked to acquire and restore Whitmore Lake Preserve. Thanks for your vision, commitment, and activity to protect the wildlands and wildlife of Washtenaw County. You do important work.

With a respectful nod to the poetic style of Robert Service.

In the Rain

Soft light, gentle rain.

Hush fills the forest and fields.

All as it should be.

---- Craig Wagner