Little Free Library

A Little Free Library is installed in Whitmore Lake Preserve! It can be found just north of marker #2 (see preserve map and pic at left). It is located on a hill overlooking the old warrior Burr Oak that is one of the oldest trees in the preserve. It is about a 5-7 minute walk from the parking lot.

What is a Little Free Library? It is a weather-proof box (please latch it when you are done) that contains a collection of adult and kids books that you are free to borrow. There are over 75,000 Little Free Libraries worldwide (see map). It works on the honor system. Take a book and return it or another book on a subsequent visit. We have a library steward that is often in the preserve to ensure we have a good selection of books on hand.

Nature Identification Guides. The Little Free Library also contains nature identification books to help you understand what you see at Whitmore Lake Preserve. There is one each for birds, wildflowers, and the northern forest. These identification books are specially marked and we ask you to leave them in the Little Free Library for all visitors to use.

Come sit a spell. We've placed two stumps next to the Little Free Library so you have a place to pause, reflect, and read. We're considering making a log bench as well for when larger groups go through the preserve.

Tells us what you're thinking. Write in the preserve diary! You can find the Whitmore Lake Preserve Diary in the Little Free Library. Feel free to write in the diary about your preserve experience: wildlife sightings; interesting plants, flowers and trees you find; a simple note on what the preserve means to you; poetry; and more. Be creative. See what others are writing.
