Volunteer Sign-Ups

We will use SignUpGenius to keep track of volunteering roles for parents.  There are two sheets we will use this season.  The Concession Donations site is for parents to indicate their food contributions for the concession stand during the home meets.  Making a concession donation is not a "job" during the meet. If you would like to help us, please click "Sign Up" next to the contribution of your choice. The second site is for parents to indicate which job they would prefer during the meets.  We need volunteers at both home and away meets.  These positions will be working during the meet.  All these positions help with running a smooth and quick meet.  Both sheets have columns to the left of the site that indicate which meet you are signing up for.  Please utilize these sheets a head of time so we can fix any issues that arise and pay attention to the date you are signing up for.