
From Sat May 10 06:23:36 2003

Date: Fri, 9 May 2003 17:51:08 -0500 (CDT)

From: Bill Hibbard <>



Subject: [agi] SIAI's flawed friendliness analysis

Critique of the SIAI Guidelines on Friendly AI

Bill Hibbard 9 May 2003

This critique refers to the following documents:




1. The SIAI analysis fails to recognize the importance of

the political process in creating safe AI.

This is a fundamental error in the SIAI analysis. CFAI 4.2.1

says "If an effort to get Congress to enforce any set of

regulations were launched, I would expect the final set of

regulations adopted to be completely unworkable." It further

says that government regulation of AI is unnecessary because

"The existing force tending to ensure Friendliness is that

the most advanced projects will have the brightest AI

researchers, who are most likely to be able to handle the

problems of Friendly AI." History vividly teaches the danger

of trusting the good intentions of individuals.

The singularity will completely change power relations in

human society. People and institutions that currently have

great power and wealth will know this, and will try to

manipulate the singularity to protect and enhance their

positions. The public generally protects its own interests

against the narrow interests of such powerful people and

institutions via widespread political movements and the

actions of democratically elected government. Such

political action has never been more important than it

will be in the singularity.

The reinforcement learning values of the largest (and hence

most dangerous) AIs will be defined by the corporations and

governments that build them, not the AI researchers working

for those orgnaizations. Those organizations will give their

AIs values that reflect the organizations' values: profits in

the case of corporations, and political and military power

in the case of governments. Only a strong public movement

driving government regulation will be able to coerce these

organizations to design AI values to protect the interests

of all humans. This government regulation must include an

agency to monitor AI development and enforce regulations.

The breakthrough ideas for achieving AI will come from

individual researchers, many of whom will want their AI to

serve the broad human interest. But their breakthrough ideas

will become known to wealthy organizations. Their research

will either be in the public domain, done for hire by wealthy

organizations, or will be sold to such organizations.

Breakthrough research may simply be seized by governments and

the researchers prohibited from publishing, as was done for

research on effective cryptography during the 1970s. The most

powerful AIs won't exist on the $5,000 computers on

researchers' desktops, but on the $5,000,000,000 computers

owned by wealthy organizations. The dangerous AIs will be the

ones capable of developing close personal relations with huge

numbers of people. Such AIs will be operated by wealthy

organizations, not individuals.

Individuals working toward the singularity may resist

regulation as interference with their research, as was

evident in the SL4 discussion of testimony before

Congressman Brad Sherman's committee. But such regulation

will be necessary to coerce the wealthy organizations

that will own the most powerful AIs. These will be much

like the regulations that restrain powerful organizations

from building dangerous products (cars, household

chemicals, etc), polluting the environment, and abusing


2. The design recommendations in GUIDELINES 3 fail to

define rigorous standards for "changes to supergoal

content" in recommendation 3, for "valid" and "good" in

recommendation 4, for "programmers' intentions" in

recommendation 5, and for "mistaken" in recommendation 7.

These recommendations are about the AI learning its own

supergoal. But even digging into corresponding sections

of CFAI and FEATURES fails to find rigorous standards for

defining critical terms in these recommendations.

Determination of their meanings is left to "programmers"

or the AI itself. Without rigorous standards for these

terms, wealthy organizations constructing AIs will be

free to define them in any way that serves their purposes

and hence to construct AIs that serve their narrow

interests rather than the general public interest.

3. CFAI defines "friendliness" in a way that can only

be determined by an AI after it has developed super-

intelligence, and fails to define rigorous standards

for the values that guide its learning until it reaches


The actual definition of "friendliness" in CFAI 3.4.4

requires the AI to know most humans sufficiently well

to decompose their minds into "panhuman", "gaussian" and

"personality" layers, and to "converge to normative

altruism" based on collective content of the "panhuman"

and "gaussian" layers. This will require the development

of super-intelligence over a large amount of learning.

The definition of friendliness values to reinforce that

learning is left to "programmers". As in the previous

point, this will allow wealthy organizations to define

intial learning values for their AIs as they like.

4. The CFAI analysis is based on a Bayesian reasoning

model of intelligence, which is not a sufficient model

for producing intelligence.

While Bayesian reasoning has an important role in

intelligence, it is not sufficient. Sensory experience

and reinforcement learning are fundamental to

intelligence. Just as symbols must be grounded in

sensory experience, reasoning must be grounded in

learning and emerges from it because of the need to

solve the credit assignment problem, as discussed at:

Effective and general reinforcement learning requires

simulation models of the world, and sets of competing

agents. Furthermore, intelligence requires a general

ability to extract patterns from sense data and

internal information. An analysis of safe AI should be

based on a sufficient model of intelligence.

I offer an alternative analysis of producing safe AI in

my book at


Bill Hibbard, SSEC, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706 608-263-4427 fax: 608-263-6738


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