Videos and articles

The following are some highlighted resources. For more detailed evidence and ideas, see More Evidence in the menu.


1. The (only) three ways to improve performance in schoolsHarvard Graduate School of Education Professor Richard Elmore This brief video articulates the central point of Elmore's view, that...."You don't change performance without changing the instructional core," states Anrig Professor Richard Elmore. "The relationship of the teacher and the student in the presence of content must be at the center of efforts to improve performance."

2. Student Outcomes and Professional Learningis a 3 min video covering the main themes of this site from a quite personal perspective - how things changed during my teaching career.


1. Building a New Structure For School Leadership

by Richard Elmore

Professor, Graduate School of Education Harvard University and Senior Research Fellow, Consortium for Policy Research in Education

This lengthy (40p) pdf is a major paper by Elmore in which he explains his view of the loosely coupled nature of school practice and how a focus on professional learning teams and student outcomes can be managed to support sustainable school improvement.

2. How the best performing school systems come out on top Barber, M. Mourshed, M, 2008. McKinsey.

This OECD commissioned paper provides detailed information about features of successful school systems manage to perform well.