
Another reason why Dr. Selgrove was not able to return to Sara Clayburn and Whitegates, is that “Dr. Selgrove had been ordered to Switzerland for the summer […].”[1]

Switzerland is a country in west central Europe. To the north it borders Germany and France, to the east Austria and Liechtenstein, and, to the south, Italy. The area of this alpine county covers 41,290 square kilometers (15,940 square miles). The population of the country is 7,262,372 (2000). The capital of Switzerland is Bern, which is located in the north-western part of the country, though largest city is Zürich, which is situated in the north. Other famous and major cities are Geneva and Lausanne in the south-west, Basel in the north and Lugano in the south. The geography of the county is mostly mountainous, therefore, the population lives, except for the major cities mentioned above, in small towns distributed across the country. Historically important is especially that the country has maintained political neutrality since the 16th century. Switzerland is not a member of the European Union, but has signed several contracts, for example the European Free Trade Agreement, with the European Union, in order to make trade easier. Economically, the financial and tourism industries are most significant. Switzerland is in particular appreciated by foreign investors because of the solid currency and a banking system that has a high degree of bank secrecy.[2]

Location of Switzerland in Europe:

Location of Switzerland in Europe

[1] Edith Wharton, “All Souls’,” in: The Demanding Dead – More Stories of Terror and the Supernatural, ed. Peter Haining (London: Peter Owen Publishers, 2007), 202.

[2] Valentin Hadjiyski, "Switzerland," Worldmark Encyclopedia of National Economies. http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2-3410100233.html (accessed March 28, 2015).