Mary (All Souls')

Mary is Sara Clayburn’s housemaid at Whitegates. Mary’s room is, like Agnes’s, located in the nearest wing to Sara’s bedroom at Whitegates. When Sara Clayburn was limping through the corridors, in order to find out what is going on during the mysterious thirty six hours, she also searches through Mary’s room, discovering that “[…] the bed was unslept in, and there were no signs of dressing or undressing.”[1] Consequently, she concludes that Mary left with the other servants. According to the narrator’s description, she could possibly have attended a midnight coven with the other servants. Like Price, she is a minor character who supports construction of Whitegates as a credible estate, full of servants.

[1] Edith Wharton, “All Souls’,” in: The Demanding Dead – More Stories of Terror and the Supernatural, ed. Peter Haining (London: Peter Owen Publishers, 2007), 193.