Program Guidelines

Mission Statement:

Our mission for the Westview High School Boys’ Volleyball program is to help our players excel on and off the court. Volleyball offers so many teaching and personal growth opportunities that will be beneficial throughout their lives. Our goal, as coaches, is to teach our players volleyball skills that are necessary to play at a completive level, while developing good sportsmanship, a strong work ethic, and teamwork. Although the priority is their volleyball skills, we know the importance of cultivating our player's self-confidence, leadership, camaraderie and sense of fulfillment through hard work.

Everyone plays a different yet valuable role in the success of our program.

Player expectations:

    1. Believe in yourself

    2. Trust in your teammates

    3. Communicate:

        1. Positively with your teammates

        2. Informatively with your parents

        3. Proactively with your coaches

    4. Do the right thing, not the popular thing

Possible Consequences for Rule Violations Are:

- Coach on One

- Sit a Game or Match

- Program Job

- Time away from the program/team

- Expulsion from program/team

Parent expectations:

Attend as many games and activities as you can

Be positive and respectful to the coaches, players, referees and opposing school representatives – we all make mistakes - NO ONE IS PERFECT

Build up your son and the other players

Lines of Communication

  1. Player and coach

  2. Player, Parent and Coach at a scheduled meeting

  3. Player, Parent, Coach, AD at a scheduled meeting