Tournament Information

General Information for All

ALL TEAMS and FANS  are expected to clean up after themselves.  Any items left behind will be disposed of immediately.  

Teams are expected to bring their own water.  Community water will not be made available for general use.

* Note -- ALL TEAMS be prepared to play Friday evening. Plan your travel accordingly. Space is limited and we cannot guarantee no Friday games. 

MFC Dakota Fields Soccer Complex is managed by the Black Hills Rapids, the following applies to anyone visiting the soccer fields.

This Applies to Everyone, even Fans and Spectators.

Team check-in

Check-in - Friday, July 7, 4-8 pm.  Saturday, July 8, if necessary, 7-10 am

At team check-in Team Captains will be responsible for ensuring the following - 

Player Equipment - 

Tournament Director - Toni Sabrowski -

Tournament Committee - Chad Landis, Kasha Roberts-Eller, Jen Slater-Unruh