

Please download the Data Form and Post Evaluation Form at the bottom of the page and send to Mrs. Ganis at and Mrs Kurtz at You must also have your employer complete the Academy Assessment for Employers form and submit this back to Mrs. Kurtz. These forms must be completed before you can graduate from the AOF.

Academy of Finance students are required to have a paid Internship of a minimum of 100 hours. This can be completed during the school year or during the summer months but must be completed before the end of your senior year.

To prepare students for the competitive process of obtaining an Internship, students work with our School-to-Career specialist and Academy instructors in developing a resume and roll playing the interview process.

The financial internship provides the students the opportunity to demonstrate human relations, communications, and employability skills necessary for entry level employment in the financial services industry. Additionally, it will enhance the instruction and competencies developed though classroom instruction.

In addition to the Stamford Board of Education, some of the companies that have offered internships in the past include: