
In the past decade, technology has revolutionized virtually every aspect of every position in the financial services industry, and hundreds of thousands of low-skilled jobs have been consolidated into fewer, more demanding positions. Today, despite volatile financial markets and well-publicized layoffs in the industry, the demand of talented applicants who have mastered the “soft skill”—the ability to communicate effectively, work as team members, and solve problems—is unabated and likely to grow. The Academy of Finance is a vital source of skilled personnel that the financial industry can tap into in order to meet the challenge of a rapidly changing business world.

Westhill will be selecting ninth-grade students this spring for enrollment in the three-year Academy of Finance.

In addition to their regular class work, students will visit corporations, attend awards presentations, participate in seminars presented by local professionals, compete in the Stock Market Game, and visit a financial center on a field trip. In addition, the students participate in an Academy graduation ceremony and receive an official Certificate of Completion for Financial Studies.

The Academy of Finance provides a three-year specialized program of study in finance at the high school level and includes the fulfillment of both required and elective credits. The three-year program begins with introductory class work in the sophomore year in accounting and then during their junior year includes a paid, summer on-the-job internship at a financial services firm, and culminates with more advanced courses in the senior year of high school.

The Academy of Finance program extends far beyond a course of study. It establishes an ongoing relationship involving corporate executives, school personnel, parents, and students, resulting in greatly improved employment opportunities.

Upon completion of the program, a student may apply for a position in the finance industry or further their studies in finance at the college level.

* Part of the National Academy Foundation