Frequently asked questions

Here are the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions.

  • What audiences do Math Circles serve?

Math circles can be for everyone! We are currently focusing on the middle school grade band.

In the past we have run circles for teachers, as well as circles for parents to attend with their students. If there is something you are particularly interested in be sure to let us know!

  • When and where do Math Circles meet?

For Fall 2019 we will be running events at Westfield Intermediate School. Students will start to gather after school at 2:35 pm and we will aim to wrap up our events around 4:00pm.

  • Are there any math classes that I should take to participate?

Nope! All of our problems are designed to be "low-floor, high-ceiling" so everyone will be able to get started and you can take them as far as you are willing to go.

  • What does it cost to attend?

Math Circle events are free to attend.