Annabelle Ma, Alwin Jing, Alex Svoronos, and Miriam Blumberg
WAMC places 3rd overall at EMCC
Please join me in congratulating our team on their performance at Exeter Math Club Competition (EMCC) that took place this past weekend.
Our team won the Team Round and placed 3rd both overall and in the Guts Round. Many congratulations to Alex Svoronos and Alwin Jing who also placed among the top competitors in individual rounds..
The Exeter Math Club Competition is an annual math competition for middle schoolers, written and run by students at Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire. Teams of four compete in two individual and two team rounds. The format of the competition is similar to MOAA and LMT, two other middle school competitions our students participate in.
Team Results
Sweepstakes (overall results combining all team and individual rounds)
#3 WAMC - Miriam Blumberg, Alwin Jing, Annabelle Ma, Alex Svoronos
Team Round
Guts Round
Individual Results
Individual Sweepstakes (overall results)
#3 Alex Svoronos
#12 Alwin Jing
Accuracy Round
#1 Alex Svoronos
#10 Alwin Jing
Speed Round
#5 Alex Svoronos
Results: https://exetermathclub.com/papers/emcc25results.pdf
January 25, 2025
December 14, 2024
November 23, 2024
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Westchester Area Math Circle (WAMC) is a free math circle started in 2012. In 2013, it moved to Manhattanville University in Purchase, NY and is organized by Professor Paul Ellis. We host a variety of free meetings and classes throughout the year. See our Schedule page for a list of upcoming topics and guest speakers.
We are grateful to Manhattanville University and Professor Christopher Pappas for providing space and support to our math circle.
In addition to our various free workshops and classes, we send teams from our middle/high school participants to area math competitions, including the Harvard-MIT Math Contest, the Princeton University Math Competition, the Exeter Math Club Competition, and the American Regions Math League.
Details about joining these teams are sent over the email list, but you may also email westchesterareamathcircle@gmail.com with specific questions.
Westchester Area Math Circle (WAMC) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible. Please consider supporting WAMC.
A note about age.
We are often asked what ages our math circle meetings are for. We believe that math is for people of all ages. There is a hidden assumption in our society that doing math is 'only for kids' or 'for school.' We disagree. Everyone, even adults, is allowed to have fun doing math. Nevertheless, some things, like our Advanced Contest Math Class, assume some level of knowledge. Let the topics be the guide.