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Wellington Shell Club

The Wellington Shell Club is inclusive.  We are open to those at any level of interest in shell collecting (marine & terrestrial), conchology or malacology generally.

The club has monthly meetings at different locations in the greater Wellington region and makes occasional local field trips to other parts of New Zealand. 

The club publishes a monthly newsletter and an annual journal, Cookia

Adults and children interested in shells (both marine & terrestrial) from New Zealand or overseas are invited to join the club.

We Are Interested in Acquiring Shells With Scientific Data

Do you have a shell, shells or a shell collection with good data or labels?  The Wellington Shell Club may be interested in acquisition by donation or purchase. 

We are particularly interested in accurately identified shells with data that includes the collection site and a collection date. Anything offered without some or all of this essential information is usually of no scientific value.

New Zealand shells are preferred to foreign shells. Any offerings must be good condition and not broken, chipped, faded, bleached or beach worn.  

If you have shells in good condition with collection data for donation or sale to the Wellington Shell Club please contact us for an initial discussion.


In accordance with our policy of making copies of Cookia freely available on this website when they are 2 years old Cookia Vol 34, November 2022 is now available on the Publications page. 

Shell Collecting Locations

Occasional enquiries are received about good shell collecting locations in New Zealand.  Most of this information can be found by browsing through the Cookia magazines on the Publications page of this website, in particular:

ZG Vol 17, pp 11-13, South Island Collecting Locations 

ZK Vol 21, pp 6 -15, New Zealand Shell Collecting Adventure 

ZN Vol 24, pp 19-20, Good Shell Collecting Locations. 

In addition, the reference book New Zealand Seashells has detailed information on shell collecting locations. The authors have generously consented to publication of the location map here.  Limited editions of the book remain available upon enquiries to the authors ravenjay@xtra.co.nz

Contact Us

Visitors and prospective members are welcome at our meetings and events.  Please let us know if you would like to attend one of these meetings and e-mail us for details.  

If you have any queries about New Zealand or foreign shells or a general shell related inquiry please e-mail us or carolynkrebs20@gmail.com

Alternatively, our postal address is:

The Secretary

Wellington Shell Club

c/- 12B Princeton Rd

Raumati Beach 5032



Check out the Wellington Shell Club on Facebook

Subs & Financial Enquiries

All subscription (subs), financial, banking or other payments enquiries should be referred to: The Treasurer rogermurex@gmail.com .  

Subs payment details, including the bank account number, are available here

(page updated  January 2025)

What is the best thing about our club?

The people in the club are friendly and outgoing types who enjoy a good walk along the beach and sharing their knowledge and experiences about shells.