Joint Workshop: The 7th Waseda ELF International Workshop & The 3rd EMI-ELF Workshop

>> A poster and a programme of the workshop are attached at the end of this page.

Friday, 10th November 2017

The 7th Waseda ELF International Workshop* : Part 1

Venue: Room 403, Building 14, Waseda Campus, Waseda University

Special Lectures


Prof. Tim McNamara, Professor, The University of Melbourne,

‘A challenge for language testing: The assessment of English as a Lingua Franca’


Prof. Joan Turner, Emeritus Professor, Goldsmiths, The University of London

‘Written English in the assessment context of international higher education: issues of contingency and ethics’


Saturday, 11th November 2017

The 3rd EMI-ELF Workshop** (9:30-13:00)

Venue: Room 308, Building 16 (School of Education), Waseda Campus, Waseda University

9:30-11:00 Special Lecture

Dr Beyza Björkman, Associate Professor, Stockholm University

‘English-medium instruction (EMI) and English as a lingua franca (ELF) in Swedish Higher Education: Processes and agents, debates and realities’

11:05-11:40 Report on the Survey on EMI (English-Medium Instruction)**

Kumiko Murata (School of Education, Waseda University)

Masakazu Iino (School of International Liberal Studie, Waseda University)

Mayu Konakahara (Kanda University of International Studies)

Noboru Toyoshima (Global Education Center, Waseda University)

‘Changing attitudes through ELF experience in business and EMI settings

Commentators: Professors Tim McNamara & Joan Turner

11:40-13:00 Individual Presentations & Panel

11:40-12:00 Akihiko Haisa (Sagami Women’s University)

‘Filipino teachers’ Language Use in Teaching English at a Language School in the Philippines’

12:00-12:20 Kana Matsumura, Ryo Moriya (Graduate Students, Graduate School of Education, Waseda University), Tetsuo Harada (School of Education, Waseda University), & Yasuyo Sawaki (School of Education, Waseda University)

‘Preparing first-year students for English-medium instruction: Assessing English for academic purposes and advising in language learning’

12:20-13:00 Panel: ‘EMI Effects in Diverse Settings :An ELF Perspective’

Panelists: Prof. Tetsuo Harada (Professor, School of Education, Waseda University)

Prof. Akihiko Haisa (Professor, Sagami Women’s University)

Dr Mayu Konakahara(Assistant Professor, Kanda University of International Studies)

Prof.Yasuyo Sawaki (Professor, School of Education, Waseda University)

Moderator: Kumiko Murata,

Discussants: Professors Beyza Björkman, Tim McNamara & Joan Turner

**This workshop is supported by the research funding of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Education, Waseda University. (**このワークショップは早稲田大学教育総合研究所の研究部会費の補助を得て、開催しています。)

The 7th Waseda ELF International Workshop*: Part 2 (14:15~18:45)

- ELF and Assessment -

Venue: Room 308, Building 16 (School of Education), Waseda Campus, Waseda University


1) 14:15 Opening & Introduction Kumiko Murata

2) 14:20~16:40 Individual Presentation Session

14:20~14:40 Dr Tomokazu Ishikawa, Waseda University

‘Conceptualising English as a global contact language’

14:40~15:00 Dr Masami Yukimori, Gakushuin University

‘Linguistic beliefs towards ELF by Japanese high school teachers of English: From life story interviews and questionnaire surveys

15:00~15:20 Dr Keiko Tsuchiya, Yokohama City University

‘English’ in the Course of Study documents: A diachronic corpus assisted discourse analysis

15:20~15:40 Dr George O’Neal, Niigata University

‘Comparative and dative construction feature selection in a corpus of Japanese-Filipino Business ELF interactions’

15:40~16:00 Dr Ying Wang, Uppsala University

‘Formulaic sequences and metadiscourse in spoken academic ELF: A disciplinary perspective’

16:00 Comments on Individual Presentations (15 min)

Commentators: Professors Beyza Björkman, Tim McNamara & Joan Turner

16:15 General Questions & Answers, and Discussion (15min)

16:30-16:45 Coffee/ Tea Break

3) 16:45-18:45 Invited Panel - Focus on ELF and Assessment-

16:45 Introduction Kumiko Murata

16:50 Dr Beyza Björkman, Stockholm University

‘English as a lingua franca (ELF) and assessment practices in Swedish Higher Education: challenges and realities’

17:10 Prof. Yumi Hato, Kyoto Institute of Technology

‘Development of a computer-based speaking test of English as a lingua franca: Preliminary results and remaining challenges’

17:30 Prof. Yasuyo Sawaki, Waseda University

‘Assessing ELF in locally developed tests: A comparison with international large-scale tests’

17:50 Questions & Answers

18:00 Discussants: Professors Tim McNamara & Joan Turner

18:20-18:40 General Questions & Answers, and Discussion

4) 18:40 Round-up Kumiko Murata

* This workshop is supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (JSPS, Kiban (Foundation) B, No. 26284083)

19:00-21:00 Reception (Mori-no-kaze, 15th Floor, Okuma Tower (Building 26))

Online booking needed for the reception.

Please visit or scan the QR code

to access the booking form.

(Enquiry about the reception: