The 8th Waseda ELF International Workshop and Symposium*

ELF and Applied Linguistics – Broadening a perspective

Part I. Sunday 27th January 2019

Part II. Monday 28th January 2019

❄︎✥❄︎ Admission free ❄︎✥❄︎

❄︎✥❄︎ No preregistration required ❄︎✥❄︎

Pre-booking needed for the reception on 28th January 2019 (by Monday 21st January 2019)

Photos from the workshop and symposium are available HERE


Part I. Sunday 27th January 2019 (13:15-18:45)

Venue: Room 403, Build. 14, Waseda Campus, Waseda University

1) 13:15- Opening & Introduction (Kumiko Murata)

2) 13:15-16:15 Plenary Talks

Programe with full abstacts (posted on 21th Jan. 2019)

13:15-14:45 University Prof. Barbara Seidlhofer, University of Vienna

‘Tracing themes and trends in ELF research’

14:45-16:15 Honorary Prof. Henry Widdowson, University of Vienna

‘The relevance of ELF study to real world issues’

❄︎✥❄︎✥16:15-16:25 Break❄︎✥❄︎✥

3) 16:25-18:05 Symposium 1: Contributions of an ELF Perspective to the Future of Applied Linguistics

Invited Speakers:

16:25- Prof. Azirah Binti Hashim University of Malaya, Malaysia

‘ELF and ASEAN community building: the future of Applied Linguistics in Southeast Asia’

16:45- Prof. Clarissa Menezes Jordão, The Federal University of Parana (UFRP-CNPq), Brazil

‘A Brazilian view on the concept of language and its impact on English teacher educaiton’

17:05- Prof. Ryuko Kubota, The University of British Columbia, Canada

‘Educational implications of ELF and obstacles for implementation’

17:25- Prof. Joo-Kyung Park, Honam University, Korea

‘Applied Linguistics in Korea from an ELF perspective’

17:45- Prof. Qiufang Wen, Beijing Foreign Studies University, China

'The contribution of ELF to instructed SLA from a Chinese perspective: scenario-based and

production-oriented pedagogy’

Moderator: Emeritus Prof. Yasukata Yano, Waseda University

18:05-18:20 Comments by Profs. Seidlhofer & Widdowson

18:20-18:45 General Questions & Answers and discussion 18:45- Round-up (Kumiko Murata)


Part II. Monday 28th January 2019 (9:45-18:45)

Venues: Morning Session - Room 301, Bldg. 3, Waseda Campus, Waseda University

Afternoon Session - Room 402, Bldg. 3, Waseda Campus, Waseda University

1) 9:45- Opening & Introduction (Kumiko Murata)

2) 9:45-11:15 Plenary Talk

Prof. Clarissa Menezes Jordão, The Federal University of Parana (UFRP-CNPq)

‘ELF and Applied Linguistics: southern ontoepistemologies in language teacher education’

❄︎✥❄︎✥11:15-11:20 Short Break❄︎✥❄︎✥

3) 11:20-11:50 Short Individual Presentations

11:20- Aina Tanaka, Waseda University

‘It’s what’s on the inside that counts. Does it remain true?: analysis of readers’ response to creative writings in ELF context’

11:30- Mohd Farez Syinon bin Masnin, Waseda University

‘“With native-speaking instructors, you are closer to the world”: a critical discourse analysis of a private university’s promotional posters in Tokyo’

11:40- Koichi Saito, Waseda University

‘Exploring Japanese university students’ awareness of ELF: a case study’

4) 11:50-12:30 Individual Presentations 1

11:50- Yukako Nozawa, Waseda University

‘The role of repetition during medical consultations in English as a Lingua Franca: conveying empathy and ensuring intelligibility’

12:10- Ayano Shino, Waseda University

‘An analysis of ELF interactions in English lessons in a Japanese primary school’

12:30-12:45 Questions & Answers and Comments

❄︎✥❄︎✥12:45-14:00 Lunch Break❄︎✥❄︎✥

5) 14:00-16:00 Individual Presentations 2

14:00- Dr George O’Neal, Niigata University

‘Systematicity in linguistic feature selection among speakers transitioning from a TIG to a CoP: the repair selection hypothesis’

14:20- Akiko Otsu, Daito Bunka University

‘Code-switching as multilingual practice in BELF interactions: a Japanese case’

14:40- Yaeko Hori, University of Southampton

‘Have ex-EFL learners been living happily as “transcultural communicators”?: an analysis of

their multiplicity of voices in their experiences’

15:00- Blagoja Dimoski, Yuri Jody Yujobo, Satomi Kuroshima, Tricia Okada & Rasami Chaikul,

Tamagawa University

‘The initial stages of developing resources for teaching and assessing communication

strategies in ELF-informed pedagogy’

15:20- Dr Keiko Tsuchiya, Yokohama City University

‘ELF and a performative approach to language learning and teaching’

15:40- Dr Tomokazu Ishikawa, Tamagawa University

‘ELF and ELT: Where are we now?’

16:00-16:15 Comments on Individual Presentations by the Invited Speakers

16:15-16:30 General Questions & Answers and Discussion

❄︎✥❄︎✥16:30-16:45 Coffee/ Tea Break❄︎✥❄︎✥

6) 16:45-18:45 Symposium 2: Applied Linguistic Research from an ELF Perspective:

Current and Future Directions

16:45- Introduction (Kumiko Murata)

16:50- Panelists:

Prof. Kumiko Murata, Waseda University

Prof. Masakazu Iino, Waseda University

Dr Mayu Konakahara, Kanda University of International Studies

Prof. Tetsuo Harada, Waseda University

Prof. Yasuyo Sawaki, Waseda University

Discussants: Profs. Hashim, Jordão, Park, Seidlhofer, Wen, Widdowson

17:50-18:00 Clarification Questions & Answers

18:00-18:20 Comments from the Discussants

18:20-18:45 General Questions & Answers and Discussion

7) 18:45 Round-up (Kumiko Murata)

19:00-21:00 Reception** (Mori-no-Kaze, 15th floor, Okuma Tower [Bldg. 26])

**Online pre-booking needed for the reception:

Please visit

Enquiry: Waseda ELF Research Group (

*This workshop is supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (JSPS, Kiban (Foundation) B, No. 26284083) and Waseda University’s special funding for hosting international symposia & workshops (国際シンポジウム等開催助成) 2018. JACET ELF SIG 協賛