Research Projects
Distributionally robust optimization
Stochastic programming
Approximation algorithms
Discrete optimization
Machine learningÂ
Optimal experimental design
Logistics and network design problems under uncertainty
Stochastic/robust power system design
Ongoing Research Topics
Data-driven distributionally robust optimization
Approximation algorithms for statistical learning, data analytics, and machine learning
Multi-product revenue management
Chance-constrained stochastic programming
Integer programming
Submodular optimization
Decomposition algorithms for stochastic programming
Supply chain network design under service disruption
Infrastructure maintenance
Summary of Completed Research Projects
1. On approximation algorithms of D-optimal design:
Proposed constant-factor approximation algorithms for D-optimal design with or without repetitions
Improved the approximation ratio in the asymptotic domain
Provided deterministic implementations of the randomized algorithms
Analyzed the well-known local search algorithm and proved its approximation guarantees
Extended the analysis to A-optima design
2. On distributionally robust joint chance constrained optimization problems (DRCCP)
Deterministic Reformulation
Proposed a deterministic reformulation of DRCCP
Explored sufficient conditions that a DRCCP can be reformulated as a convex program
Showed that a binary DRCCP can be equivalent to a deterministic mixed integer convex program
Bi-criteria Approximation
Studied covering chance constrained program (CCP) and DRCCP and proved its inapproximability
Proposed relaxation schemes and showed their tractability
Provided constant bicriteria approximation for both CCP and DRCCP
3. Relaxations and Approximations of Chance Constrained Programs (CCP):
On the quantile closure of the chance constrained problems:
Proposed a closure of quantile cuts, and show that iterative application of the closure recovers the convex hull of a chance constrained problem
Showed that this procedure only takes a finite number of iterations for a chance constrained problem with integer variables
Studied an approximated closure by deriving quantile cuts only from the constraints of the original problem
On the nonanticipativity duality of the chance constrained problems:
Derived two different Lagrangian duality bounds by relaxing the nonanticipativity constraints of the chance constrained problems
Proposed two extended formulations of the chance constrained problem and demonstrated that the continuous relaxation values of these two formulations yield the same as the dual bounds
Implemented scenario decomposition algorithm for the binary decision variables and branch and cut algorithm for the continuous decision variables
4. Reliable Network Design under Probabilistic Disruptions
Developed modeling framework for jointly optimizing location and vehicle routing under service disruptions
Incorporated facility disruption, en-route congestion and in-facility queuing into reliable emergency service facility location decisions
Investigated efficient approximation algorithms and conducted empirical study using real-world railroad data
We thank the following agencies/organizations for supporting our research and education activities.
National Science Foundation
Virginia Space Grant Consortium (NASA)
Virginia Tech Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Virginia Tech Provost Office