Research Projects



Ongoing Research Topics

Summary of Completed Research Projects

1. On approximation algorithms of D-optimal design:

Application: Sensor Selection
Illustration: Subdata Selection or Experimental Design
Analyzing Local Search Algorithm

2. On distributionally robust joint chance constrained optimization problems (DRCCP)

Application: Optimal Power Flow with Renewables
Focus: Reformulation of DRCCP set Z
Moment Ambiguity Set: Nonconvexity-> Convexity

3. Relaxations and Approximations of Chance Constrained Programs (CCP):

Convergence of Quantile Closures to the Convex Hull of CCP
Relaxation Bound Comparison
Approximation of Relaxation of Indicator Functions

4. Reliable Network Design under Probabilistic Disruptions

Services flow from manufacturers to warehousing to customers
Trade-off between normal scenario and disruption scenario
Results of built depot and service assignment using empirical railroad data


We thank the following agencies/organizations for supporting our research and education activities.

National Science Foundation

Virginia Space Grant Consortium (NASA)

Virginia Tech Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Virginia Tech Provost Office