
Macro (undergraduate, MSc, and PhD levels) and Finance (undergraduate, MSc level). I was awarded the best MSc Finance teacher in 2019.


mini-lecture slides for heterogeneous-agents macro

[Quantitative Easing with Heterogeneous Agents

[Aiyagari-McGrattan (1998)

[Kiyotaki-Moore (1997)]

[Cui and Kaas (2021)]

[Great Escape (2017)]

[Search-based Asset Liquidity (2019)]

[FTPL with low rate]


2019 - present, Heterogeneous-Agents Macroeconomics (UCL 2nd year PhD module)

2022 - present, Advanced Quantitative Finance (UCL MSc in Finance core module)

2022 - present, Economics of Finance (UCL 2nd year undergraduate module)

2017 - 2022, Macroeconomic Theory and Policy (UCL 2nd year undergraduate core module, with 300+ students)

2018 - 2020, Advance Derivative Modelling and Portfolio Theory (UCL MSc in Finance core module)

2020 - 2020, Introduction to Quantitative Finance (UCL MSc in Finance core module)

2013-2018 Macroeconomics (UCL 1st year Ph.D. sequence)

2013, 2015, Macroeconomics for Policy (UCL MSc)


Previously at Princeton:

Fall 2012, “Introduction to Macroeconomics” (Princeton undergrad level), Teaching Assistant (TA) to Prof. Elizabeth Bogan 

Spring 2011, “International Monetary Theory and Policy II” and “Topics in Financial Economics” (Princeton Ph.D. 2nd year sequence), TA to Prof. Markus Brunnermeier 

Fall 2011, “Asset Pricing I” (Princeton Master in Finance level), TA to Prof. Markus Brunnermeier 

2010-2011, “Junior Independent Work” (Princeton junior paper), TA to Prof. Yuliy Sannikov 

Spring 2011, “Macroeconomic Theory II” (Princeton Ph.D. 1st year sequence), TA to Prof. Patrick Kehoe 

Fall, 2011, 2012, “Macroeconomic Theory I” (Princeton Ph.D. 1st year sequence), TA to Prof. Thomas Sargent (co-teach materials from “Recursive Macroeconomic Theory”, 3rd edition by Lars Ljungqvist and Thomas Sargent)