

- Bigot, J. Transport optimal de sable avec une pelle et un seau, nouveaux outils pour l’analyse statistique de données ?, Actualités scientifiques de l'INSMI.


- Bigot, J., Dabo I.-M., & Male, C. (2024) High-dimensional analysis of ridge regression for non-identically distributed data with a variance profile, submitted. 

- Bercu, B., Bigot, J., & Thurin, G. (2023) Monge-Kantorovich superquantiles and expected shortfalls with applications to multivariate risk measurements, submitted. 

- Bercu, B., Bigot, J., & Thurin, G. (2023) Stochastic optimal transport in Banach spaces for regularized estimation of multivariate quantiles, submitted. 

- Bigot, J., Freulon, P., Hejblum, B. & Leclaire, A. (2022) On the potential benefits of entropic regularization for smoothing Wasserstein estimators, submitted. 

- Jiang, Y., Bigot, J. & Maabout, S. (2021) Online Graph Topology Learning from Matrix-valued Time Series, submitted. 

- Capitaine, L., Bigot, J., Thiébaut, R. & Genuer, R. (2020) Fréchet random forests for metric space valued regression with non euclidean predictors , submitted. [R package FrechForest]

- Jiang, Y., Bigot, J. & Maabout, S. (2020) Sensor selection on graphs via data-driven node sub-sampling in network time series, submitted. 



- Bercu, B., Bigot, J., Gadat, S. & Siviero, E. (2023) A stochastic Gauss-Newton algorithm for regularized semi-discrete optimal transport, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA,  Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages 390–447.


- Freulon, P., Bigot, J. & Hejblum, B. (2022) CytOpT: Optimal Transport with Domain Adaptation for Interpreting Flow Cytometry data, Annals of Applied Statistics, 17(2): 1086-1104. [Python codes]

- Bigot, J. & Deledalle, C. (2022) Low-rank matrix denoising for count data using unbiased Kullback-Leibler risk estimation, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Volume 169, Pages 107423. [Python codes]


- Bercu, B. & Bigot, J. (2020) Asymptotic distribution and convergence rates of stochastic algorithms for entropic optimal transportation between probability measures, Annals of Statistics,  49(2): 968-987.

- Bigot, J. & Male, C. (2020) Freeness over the diagonal and outliers detection in deformed random matrices with a variance profile,  Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, Vol. 10, No. 3, 863 - 919. [Python codes]


- Jiang, Y., Bigot, J. & Provenzi, E. (2019) Commutativity of spatiochromatic covariance matrices in natural image statistics, Mathematics in Engineering,  Volume 2, Issue 2: 313-339.

- Bigot, J., Cazelles, E. & Papadakis, N. (2019) Central limit theorems for entropy-regularized optimal transport on finite spaces and statistical applications, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 13(2), 5120-5150.

- Bigot, J., Cazelles, E. & Papadakis, N. (2019) Data-driven regularization of Wasserstein barycenters with an application to multivariate density registration, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, 8(4), 719–755.

- Bigot, J. (2019) Statistical data analysis in the Wasserstein space, ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys, Vol. 68, p. 1-19.

- Bigot, J., Cazelles, E. & Papadakis, N. (2019) Penalization of barycenters in the Wasserstein space, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 51(3), 2261–2285.


- Bigot, J., Gouet R., Klein, T. & Lopez A. (2018) Upper and lower risk bounds for estimating the Wasserstein barycenter of random measures on the real line, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Vol. 12, Number 2, 2253-2289.

-  Cazelles, E., Seguy V., Bigot, J., Cuturi, M. & Papadakis, N. (2018) Log-PCA versus Geodesic PCA of histograms in the Wasserstein space, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 40(2), B429–B456. Codes available on GitHub.


- Bigot, J., Escande, P. & Weiss P. (2017) Estimation of linear operators from scattered impulse responses, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 47(3), 730–758.

- Bigot, J. & Klein, T. (2017) Characterization of barycenters in the Wasserstein space by averaging optimal transport maps, ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, Volume 22, 35-57.

- Bigot, J., Deledalle, C. & Féral, D. (2017) Generalized SURE for optimal shrinkage of singular values in low-rank matrix denoising, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 18(137):1-50. [Matlab codes]

- Boyer, C., Bigot, J. & Weiss P. (2017) Compressed sensing with structured sparsity and structured acquisition, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Volume 46, Issue 2, Pages 312-350.


- Bigot, J., Boyer, C. & Weiss P. (2016) An analysis of block sampling strategies in compressed sensing, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 62, Number 4, pp 2125-2139.

- Bigot, J., Gouet R., Klein, T. & Lopez A. (2017) Geodesic PCA in the Wasserstein space by Convex PCA, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré B: Probability and Statistics, Volume 53, Issue 1, pp 1-26.


- Bigot, J. (2014) Discussion of "Multiscale change point inference" by Frick, Munk and Sieling, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, 76, Part 3, pp. 495–580.

- Boyer, C., Weiss P. & Bigot, J. (2014) An algorithm for variable density sampling with block-constrained acquisition, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 7(2), 1080–1107.


- Bigot, J. (2013) Fréchet means of curves for signal averaging and application to ECG data analysis, Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 7(4), 1837-2457.

- Bigot, J., Gouet R. & Lopez A. (2013) Geometric PCA of images, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Volume 6(4), 1851–1879.

- Allassonnière S., Bigot J.  Glaunès J., Maire F.  and Richard F. (2013) Statistical models for deformable templates in image and shape analysis, Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal, 20(1), 1-35.

- Bigot, J., Gadat, S., Klein, T. & Mateau, C. (2013) Intensity estimation of non-homogeneous Poisson processes from shifted trajectories, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 7, 881-931.

- Bigot, J., & Gendre X. (2013) Minimax properties of Fréchet means of discretely sampled curves, Annals of Statistics, 41(2), 923-956.


- Bigot, J., Christophe C. & Gadat, S. (2012) Random action of compact Lie groups and minimax estimation of a mean pattern, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 58(6), 3509-3520.

- Bigot, J., Loubes J.M., & Vimond, M. (2012) Semiparametric estimation of shifts on compact Lie groups for image registration, Probability Theory and Related Fields, 152, No. 3-4, 425-473.


- Bigot, J., Biscay R., Loubes J.M., Muniz, L. (2011) Group Lasso estimation of high-dimensional covariance matrices, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 12, 3187-3225. 

- Bigot, J. & Charlier B. (2011) On the consistency of Fréchet means in deformable models for curve and image analysis, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 5, 1054-1089.

- Bigot, J., Longcamp, M., Dal Maso, F. & Amarantini, D. (2011) A new statistical test based on the wavelet cross-spectrum to detect  time-frequency dependence between non-stationary signals: application to the analysis of cortico-muscular interactions, NeuroImage, 55(4):1504-18.


- Bigot, J., Gadat, S. & Mateau, C. (2010) Sharp template estimation in a shifted curves model, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 4, 994-1021.

- Bigot, J., Biscay R., Loubes J.M., Muniz, L. (2010) Nonparametric estimation of covariance functions by model selection, Electronic Journal of Statistics , 4, 822-855.

- Antoniadis, A., Bigot, J. &  Lambert-Lacroix S. (2010) Peaks detection and alignment for mass spectrometry data, Journal de la Société Française de Statistique, 151(1), 17-37.

- Bigot, J. & Gadat, S. (2010) A deconvolution approach to estimation of a common shape in a shifted curves model, Annals of Statistics, 38(4), 2422-2464.

- Bigot, J. & Gadat, S. (2010) Smoothing under diffeomorphic constraints with homeomorphic splines, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 48(1), 224–243. [Matlab codes]


- Bigot, J. & Van Bellegem S. (2009). Log-density deconvolution by wavelet thresholding, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 36, 749-763.

- Bigot, J., Gadat, S., & Loubes J.M. (2009) Statistical M-Estimation and Consistency in large deformable models for Image Warping, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 34 (3), 270-290.

- Bigot, J., Gamboa, F. & Vimond, M. (2009)  Estimation of translation, rotation and scaling between noisy images using the Fourier Mellin transform, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp. 614-645.


- Antoniadis, A., Bigot, J. & von Sachs R. (2008) A multiscale approach for statistical characterization of functional images, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 18(1), pp. 216-237. [Matlab codes]


- Antoniadis, A., Bigot, J. & Gijbels I. (2007). Penalized wavelet monotone regression, Statistics and Probability Letters, Vol. 77, Issue 16, pp. 1608-1621.

- Antoniadis, A., Bigot, J., Lambert-Lacroix S. & Letué F. (2007) Nonparametric Pre-processing Methods and Inference Tools for Analyzing Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Data, Current Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 3, No. 2., pp. 127-147.


- Antoniadis, A. & Bigot, J. (2006). Poisson inverse problems, Annals of Statistics, Vol. 34, No. 5, 2132-2158.

- Bigot, J. (2006). Landmark-based registration of curves via the continuous wavelet transform, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 542-564. (A detailed simulation study about this paper is available in a separate document). [Matlab codes]


- Bigot, J. (2005). A scale-space approach with wavelets to singularity estimation, ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, Vol. 9, pp. 143-164. [Matlab codes]

- Antoniadis, A., Bigot, J. & Sapatinas, T. (2001). Wavelet estimators in nonparametric regression: a comparative simulation study, Journal of Statistical Software, Vol. 6, Issue 6, pp.1-83 [Matlab codes]


- Bigot, J. (2003). Automatic landmark registration of 1D curves. In: M. Akritas and D.N. Politis (eds.), "Recent advances and trends in nonparametric statistics", Elsevier, pp. 479-496.

- Bigot, J. & Gadat S. (2011) Mean Pattern Estimation of Images Using Large Diffeomorphic Deformations, Object Recognition, Tam Phuong Cao (Ed.), InTech.


- Dumora C., Bigot J., Couallier V., Auber D., Leclerc C. (2017) Régression ridge a noyau dans un graphe : Application au réseau de distribution d'eau potable. Papier présenté à la conférence JDS Avignon 2017 le 30 mai 2017.

- Bigot J., Cazelles, E. & Papadakis, N. (2017) Regularized Barycenters in the Wasserstein space. Third conference on Geometric Science of Information (GSI17).

- Boyer C., Bigot J. & Weiss P. (2015) Échantillonnage compressé avec acquisition structurée et parcimonie structurée, GRETSI.

- Alleau P., Buscarlet G., Trilles S., Van Den Bossche M. & Bigot J. (2013) Comparative Ionosphere Electron Content Estimation Method in SBAS Performances, ION GNSS+, Nashville, Tennessee. 

- Boyer C., Bigot  J. & Weiss P. (2013) Sampling by blocks of measurements in Compressed Sensing, Proc. Sampta (International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications), Jacobs University Bremen.

- Bigot, J., Loubes J.M., & Vimond, M. (2008) Semiparametric estimation of shifts on compact Lie groups, MICCAI Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy, New York University 


- Bigot J. (2010) Méthodes multi-échelles et statistique nonparamétrique pour l'étude de modèles de déformation des signaux et des images, des problèmes inverses et pour l'estimation de covariance. Mémoire d’Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, soutenu le 13 décembre 2010 à l’Université Paul Sabatier