
Selected work in progress:

Simonsen, M. and L. Skipper: Healthy at Work? Evidence from a Social Experimental Evaluation of a Firm-based Wellness Program. Revise and resubmit, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy

Simonsen, M., L. Skipper and J. A. Smith: Welfare Reform: Consequences for the Children. 

Michel, B., K. R. Thomsen, M. Hesse and M. Simonsen: Randomized controlled trial examining the impact of psychological treatment among young adults growing up in families with substance use problems. 

Andersen, C. M., T. Hener, C. B. Pedersen, M. Simonsen and L. Skipper: Air pollution and Test Scores.

Selected published or forthcoming:

Trillingsgaard, T., H. N. Fentz and M. Simonsen (2024): Does Group-Based Parent Support during the Transition to Parenthood affect Child Socio-Emotional Problems and Health Care Utilization? A Randomized Controlled Trial. Social Science and Medicine 347, 116741. 

Fentz, H. N., K. Nygaard, M. Simonsen and T. Trillingsgaard (2023): The influence of Depressive Symptoms on Parenting: Examining Longitudinal Dyadic Spillover and Crossover Processes during the Transition to Parenthood. Journal of Family Issues 44, 455-474. 

Breining, S., N. M. Daysal, M. Simonsen and M. Trandafir (2022): Spillover Effects of Early-Life Medical Interventions. Review of Economics and Statistics 104(1), 1-16.

Black, S., S. Breining, D. Figlio, J. Guryan, K. Karbownik, H. S. Nielsen, J. Roth and M. Simonsen (2021): Sibling Spillovers. The Economic Journal 131, 101-128. 

Simonsen, M., L. Skipper, N. Skipper and P.  Thingholm (2021): Discontinuity in Care: Practice Closures among Primary Care Providers and Patient Health. Journal of Health Economics 80, 102551. 

Simonsen, M., L. Skipper and N. Skipper (2021): Spot Price Biases in Non-linear Health Insurance Contracts. Journal of Public Economics 203, 104508.

Trillingsgaard, T., R. Maimburg and M. Simonsen (2021): Group-based parent support during the transition to parenthood. Primary outcomes from a randomised controlled trial. Social Science and Medicine 287, 114340. 

Maibom, J., H. H. Sievertsen, M. Simonsen and M. Wüst (2021): Maternity Ward Crowding, Procedure Use, and Child Health. Journal of Health Economics 75, 102399.

Landersø, R., H. S. Nielsen and M. Simonsen (2020): How Going to School Affects the Family.  Journal of Human Resources 55(4), 1258-1286.

Trillingsgaard, T., H. N. Fentz, M. Simonsen, and R. E. Heyman (2019): The prevalence of intimate partner violence among couples signing up for universally offered parent preparation.  PLOS ONE 14(10).

Gørtz, M., E. R. Johansen and M. Simonsen (2018): Academic Achievement and the Gender Composition of Preschool Staff. Labour Economics 55, 241-258 .

Landersø, R., H. S. Nielsen and M. Simonsen (2017): School Starting Age and the Crime-Age Profile. The Economic Journal 127, 1096-1111.

Kristensen, I. H., T. Trillingsgaard, M. Simonsen, and H. Kronborg (2017):  Video feedback promotes relations between infants and vulnerable first-time mothers: a quasi-experimental study.  BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 17(1).

Hoynes, H., E. Simeonova and M. Simonsen (2016): Health and the Labor Market - New Developments in the Literature. Labour Economics 43, 1-5.

Datta Gupta, N. and M. Simonsen (2016): Academic Performance and Type of Early Childhood Care. Economics of Education Review 53, 217-229.

Simonsen, M., L. Skipper and N. Skipper (2016): Price Sensitivity of Demand for Prescription Drugs: Exploiting a Regression Kink Design. Journal of Applied Econometrics 31, 320-337.

Ciliberto, F., A. Miller, H. S. Nielsen, and M. Simonsen (2016): Playing the Fertility Game at Work: An Equilibrium Model of Peer Effects. International Economic Review 57, 827-856.

Dalsgaard, S., H. S. Nielsen, J. Leckman, P. B. Mortensen, and M. Simonsen (2015): The Effect of Medication On the Risk of Injuries in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder - A Prospective Cohort Study. The Lancet Psychiatry 2, 702-709.

Kristoffersen, J., M. Krægpøth, H. S. Nielsen and M. Simonsen (2015): Disruptive School Peers and Student Outcomes. Economics of Education Review 45, 1-13.

Trillingsgaard, T., R. D. Maimburg, and M. Simonsen (2015): The Family Startup Program: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled trial of a Universal Group-based Parenting Support Program. BMC Public Health 15, 409.

Dalsgaard, S., A. P. Kvist, J. Leckman, H. S. Nielsen, and M. Simonsen (2014): Cardiovascular Safety of Stimulants in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder - A Nationwide Prospective Cohort Study. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology 24, 302-310. 

Dalsgaard, S., H. S. Nielsen, and M. Simonsen (2014): Gender and Injuries Predict Stimulant Medication. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology 24, 253-259. 

Dalsgaard, S., H. S. Nielsen, and M. Simonsen (2014): Consequences of ADHD Medication Use for Children’s Outcomes. Journal of Health Economics 37, 137-151.

Eriksen-Jensen, T. L., H. S. Nielsen, and M. Simonsen (2014): Bullying in Elementary School. Journal of Human Resources 49, 839-871.

Kvist, A. P., H. S. Nielsen and M. Simonsen (2013): The Importance of Children’s ADHD for Parents’ Relationship Dissolution and Labor Supply. Social Science and Medicine 83, 30-38.

Dalsgaard, S., M. K. Humlum, H. S. Nielsen, and M. Simonsen (2013): Common Danish Standards in Prescribing Medication for Children and Adolescents with ADHD. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Søren Dalsgaard, Helena Skyt Nielsen, Jim Leckman and Marianne Simonsen (2013): Five-fold increase in national prevalence rates of ADHD medications for children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and other psychiatric disorders – A Danish register-based study. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. 23, 432-439. 

Featured in "From the Editor-in-Chief's Desk"

Dalsgaard, S., M. K. Humlum, H. S. Nielsen and M. Simonsen (2012): Relative Standards in ADHD Diagnoses: The Role of Specialist Behavior. Economics Letters 117, 663-665.

Cáceres-Delpiano, J. and M. Simonsen (2012): The Toll of Fertility on Mothers' Well-being. Journal of Health Economics 31, 752-766.

Datta Gupta, N. and M. Simonsen (2012): Effects of Type of Non-parental Child Care on Pre-teen Skills and Risky Behavior. Economics Letters 116, 622-625.

Simonsen, M. and L. Skipper (2012): The Family Gap in Wages: What Wombmates Reveal. Labour Economics 19, 102-112

Simonsen, M. (2010): Price of High Quality Day Care and Female Employment. Scandinavian Journal of Economics 112, 570-594.

Datta Gupta, N. and M. Simonsen (2010): Non-cognitive Child Outcomes and Universal Child Care. Journal of Public Economics 94, 30-43.

Shaikh, A. M., M. Simonsen, E. J. Vytlacil, and N. Yildiz (2009): A Specification Test for the Propensity Score using its Distribution Conditional on Participation. Journal of Econometrics 151, 33-46.

Simonsen, M. and L. Skipper (2008): An Empirical Assessment of Effects of Parenthood on Wages. in D. Millimet, J. Smith & E. J. Vytlacil, eds, Advances in Econometrics 21, pp. 359-380.

Simonsen, M. and L. Skipper (2006): The Costs of Motherhood: An Analysis Using Matching Estimators. Journal of Applied Econometrics 21(7), pp. 919-934.

Nielsen, H. S., Simonsen, M., and M. Verner (2004): Does the Gap in Family Friendly Policies Drive the Family Gap? Scandinavian Journal of Economics 106 (4), pp. 721-744.