Name:  Marc Christoph Wittmann

Date of birth: September 29, 1966

Place of birth: München, Germany


2007: Ludwig-Maximilian University, School of Medicine, Munich, Germany. Habilitation. Venia legendi in Medical Psychology. Thesis on “The experience of time: cognitive and emotional modulators of temporal perception.” Degree of Dr. habil. med.

1994–1997: Ludwig-Maximilians-University, School of Medicine, Munich, Germany. Doctoral thesis on “The temporal organisation of perception and motor performance“ (magna cum laude). Degree of Dr. rer. biol. hum.

1990–1994: University of Fribourg, Department of Psychology, Switzerland. Graduate studies in experimental psychology, clinical psychology and philosophy. Degree of lic. phil. (magna cum laude), licentiatus thesis on “Psychological models of face perception“ (summa cum laude)

1993–1994: Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Department of Psychology, Munich, Germany. One-year scholarship (Erasmus programme) for studies in experimental psychology, clinical psychology and philosophy

1987: Abitur am Gymnasium Hohenschwangau.



Since 2009: Research Fellow, Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health, Freiburg, Germany. Studies on time perception and altered states of consciousness

2004–2009: Research Fellow, University of California San Diego, Department of Psychiatry. Psychophysical and neuroimaging studies on decision making and time perception in Martin Paulus' lab

2000–2004: Ludwig-Maximilian University, Human Science Center, Munich, Germany.  Head of the Generation Research Program in Bad Tölz. Basic Research and Technological Applications in Gerontology

1999–2001: Project leader at Sciencia Ltd., Munich, Germany. Research for the Development of an Optimal Man-Automobile Interface for HONDA R&D, Japan

1997–1999: Ludwig-Maximilians-University, School of Medicine, Munich, Germany. Research Fellow at the Institute of Medical Psychology. Advisor to medical students

1994–1997: Ludwig-Maximilians-University, School of Medicine, Munich, Germany. Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant at the Institute of Medical Psychology

1993–1999: Sciencia, Health Care Consulting, Munich, Germany. Consultant in in clinical studies on neuropsychological functions and health related quality of life



Since SS 2024: Course at the University College Freiburg: Consciousness, the Psycho-Physical Problem and Exceptional Experiences (with Fach et al.)

Seit SS 2022: Hauptseminar Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie / Philosophie Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. SS2023: In-der-Welt-sein: Phänomenologische Betrachtung und psychologisch-empirische Erfassung von Selbst, Zeit und Flow (mit Müller); SS2022: Experimentelle Manipulation von Embodiment durch VR und Floatation (mit Trautwein). 

Seit WS 2021/2022- Methoden-Seminar and Vorlesung Neurophenomenologie, Neurowissenschaftliche and Philosophische Perspektiven. Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (mit Müller, Trautwein). 

Since SS 2019- Seminar and Lecture in Cognitive Neuroscience, Bernstein Center Freiburg, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.

Since WS 2015– Seminar on Issues in Cognitive Neuroscience, School of Psychology, National University of Ireland Galway (with Elliott).

2009-2016 Ludwig Maximilian University, School of Medicine, Munich, Germany. Seminar in Medical Psychology

2010-2016 Ludwig Maximilian University, School of Medicine, Munich, Germany. Lectures in Medical Psychology.   

2010: Cognitive Psychology Seminar on time perception, Department of Psychology, Beijing University, PR China (with Bao).

2006–2008: Neuroscience Bootcamp, Neuroscience Department, University of California San Diego

1999–2004: Ludwig Maximilian University, School of Medicine, Munich, Germany. Lectures on “Language processing and language impairment”

1995–2004: Ludwig Maximilian University, School of Medicine, Munich, Germany. Seminars in “Medical Psychology“

2000: Ludwig Maximilian University, School of Medicine, Munich, Germany. Lecturer on “Psychological Tests” in the NerV-Program of the Munich-Harvard-Alliance

1999–2000: Ludwig Maximilian University, School of Medicine, Munich, Germany. Seminar on “Neuropsychological Impairments: Fundamental and recent findings with imaging techniques” (with Baales, Distel, Hudson, Mitzdorf)

1992–1993: University of Fribourg, Department of Psychology, Switzerland. Tutor in statistics for undergraduate psychology students

1989: University of Shenzhen, Department of Foreign Languages, PR China. English Teacher


2023-2025: Wittmann M, Wilson M, Kornmeier J. "EEG and behavioral correlates of forward and backward priming" 27/22. FUNDAÇÃO Bial with €55,000.-

01/2023 - 12/2023: Wittmann M, Lieb Y, Schult B. "VR video game-induced psi experiences in red and green Ganzfeld." Society for Psychical Research with €4.054.-

11/2022 – 10/2025: Ogden R, Codina N, Vostal F, Martin-Soelch C, Abou Khaled O, Witowska J, Wittmann M. "TIMe experience in Europe’s Digital age (TIMED)". CHANSE Programme “Transformations: Social and cultural dynamics in the digital age” with €1.561.633 (Freiburg lab: €180.100 funded by BMBF).

1/2019-12/2023: Vogeley K, Wittmann M, Giersch A, Latoschik M, Lugrin J-L, Jacucci G, Ravaja N, Palomer X, Oromi X. "VIRTUALTIMES - Exploring and modifying the sense of time in virtual environments". EU Horizon 2020 Topic FETPROACT-01-2018 with €4,404,698 (Freiburg: €505,000).

07/2019-12/2021: Wittmann M, Schmidt S, Meissner K. "Changes in the temporal width of the present moment after meditation". FUNDAÇÃO Bial 50/18 with €39,000.-

2019/12-2021/03: Schmidt S, Wittmann M, Jo H-G. "Meditation as a first-person method in the neuroscience of consciousness: A comparison of the informativeness and reliability of first person data collected from meditators and non-meditators in a novel Libet paradigm." FUNDAÇÃO Bial with €39,000.-

6/2015-10/2017: Wittmann M, Schmidt S, Meissner K. “Changes in subjective time as indication of increased mindfulness after meditation.” FUNDAÇÃO Bial 366/14 with €38.900.-

6/2015-11/2016: Schmidt S, Jo H-G, Wittmann M, Hinterberger T. “Remote Meditation Support – A Multimodal Distant Intention Experiment”. FUNDAÇÃO Bial 386/14 with €49.500.-

1/2014–12/2014: Giersch A, Wittmann M. “How temporal expectancy translates motivation into effort.” Tri-national Neuroscience Network NEUREX with €63.372.-.

5/2013–1/2015: Schmidt S, Jo H-G, Wittmann M. „Libet revisited - The effects of mindfulness meditation training on voluntary action and on time perception: a controlled study with experienced meditators.” FUNDAÇÃO Bial 53/12 with €49.500.-

5/2013–5/2014: Wittmann M, Meissner K, Schmidt S. "The embodied experience of time: modulations of mindfulness meditation." FUNDAÇÃO Bial 52/12 with €26.500.-

2007–2009: Paulus M, Wittmann M. “Time processing in stimulant users: Impulsivity and temporal discounting“ (1 R03 DA020687 01A1). National Institute of Health NIH/NIDA with $154.400.-

2007–2008: Paulus M, Wittmann M. „Disruption of the balance between self-control and impulsivity in stimulant users: How processing time in the brain affects decision making” (KIBM 07-33) sponsored by the KAVLI Institute for Brain and Mind at UCSD with $30.000.-

2003–2006: Wittmann M, Szelag E. „Temporal-information processing in aphasic patients: New horizons for aphasia therapy” as part of  the programme “Polish-German Cooperation in Neuroscience” (01GZ0301) sponsored by the German Ministery for Education and Research (BMBF) and the Polish State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN) with €252.344.-

2003–2005: Pöppel E, Wittmann M. „Quantifying temporal aspects of attention and working-memory processes” (01 IBC 01H) in: "Modkog – new procedures of information processing on the basis of neurocognitive modeling" sponsored by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) with € 259.344.-

2000–2002: Vollmer T, Wittmann M. “Time perception in subjective near death. A medical psychology study of time perception in patients with cancer.” (VW00-1) A 2-year project sponsored by the Else-Kröner-Fresenius foundation with DM 233.900.-


2018: The 4th International Conference on Time Perspective (principal organizer: Tianna Loose), Nantes, France, 27.8.-31.8.2018

2013: NEUREX Workshop "Mindfulness meditation and Time perception", University Clinic Freiburg (with Giersch, Schmidt), 12.12–13.12.2013

2013: Fechner Day 2013. 29th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics (with Wackermann, Skrandies), 21.10.–25.10.2013

2011: International Symposium on 'Time and the Conscious Brain' at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) Delmenhorst (with Poggel), 31.10.–2.11.2011

2003: Symposium “Menschenbild und Menschenbildung. Instrumente der Bildung und des Wissenstransfers in unserer Gesellschaft” at the Fachhochschule  Benediktbeuern (with Endres), 14.11.2003

2003: Satellite Symposium of the Sixth International Congress of the Polish Neuroscience Society on „Time, Cognition, Thinking“ in Strzekecino, Poland (with Szelag, Pöppel)

2003: 2nd Symposium of the Generation Research Program, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich, Bad Tölz

1997: Annual General Meeting of the European Brain and Behaviour Society (EBBS), Tutzing (with von Steinbüchel, Steffen)


2017: Müller M, Arndt L, Wittmann M. "Associate Remote Viewing: A Proof-of-Principle Study". The Renè Warcollier Prize 2017 with $2000.-

2004–2005: Postdoctoral Research Exchange Grant of the Max Kade Foundation New York for a one year research project in the USA.

June 1998: Peter-Jacobi-Award of the German Society for Medical Psychology for a young researcher in the field of “Psychology in Neurology“

1996: Grant for a doctoral thesis from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich for the promotion of the scientific and artistic young generation

1993–1994: Erasmus programme scholarship granted by the Commission of the European Community


2020: Zeitdehner – Zeitfresser. Citizen-Science-Projekt von catta gmbh & Cho Linska und Marc Wittmann über individuelles Zeitempfinden.

2016: Development of Arab Language Learning Game App "Antura and the Letters" as cooperation between Cologne Game Lab, Wixel Studios, and Video Games Without Borders as part of the EduApp4Syria international contest.

2015: Film by Ryszard Karcz on the Dance Workshop "Performance time versus everyday time" with Liam Clancy (Performance and Dance Professor, University of California San Diego) and Mary Reich (Expressive Arts Educator/Therapist, Expressive Arts Institute San Diego) and the IGPP research group on "Time perception and Time consciousness"; location: Fahrschule Baas, Freiburg, 5.7. - 17.7.2015

2015: Textbeitrag "Präsenzzeit im Bild" zu K.O. Götz "Tunset" Museum für Neue Kunst: 30+30 retro/perspektiv.

2008-2009: Dance performance "If it's not one thing..." The Hybrid Authorship Dance Project San Diego. A collaboration between choreographers and dancers Joe Alter, Liam Clancy, Eric Geiger, neuropsychologist Marc Wittmann, dramaturg D.J. Hopkins, lighting designer Craig Wolf and performer/media artist Ashley Johnstone.

Black's Beach La Jolla November 2008

Gartenterasse Hotel Schloss Hornberg Sommer 2013

Donau Budapest September 2010

Winterspaziergang am Kandel

Abendwolken über Freiburg