


WEB1.0 webservice rank is World No:2 Programming Language.

Since java has security holes(code security and obfuscation) is absent so JAVA ranked is jumped down to No:5 Programming Language .

What are the WEB1.0 KEYWORDS and WEB1.0 keywords simillar to CDollarc and Java Keywords and describe their meaning?

WEB1.0 KEYWORDS similar to CDollarc keywords


abstract boolean break byte

case <CATCH> char class const

continue default do double else

enum <--- final finally float

for goto if --> <USE>

instanceof int interface long native

<NEW> package private protected public

return short Shared <SUPER>

switch synchronized <IS>

throw throws transient <TRY> void volatile while

<% %>

Meaning of WEB1.0 keywords simillar to java keywords


Shared means static

<TRY> means try

<CATCH> means catch

<SUPER> means super

<NEW> means = new

<USE> means import

operator * means MULMETHOD api

WEB.Writeln means System.out.println

public void WEB-Main( ) throws <EXE> means public static void main(String args[])

<GUI> means WXML.wxmlparser api

<% %> => space but one should write web1.0 webservice code in this scriptlets




AND -> AND operator(&&)

NOT -> NOT operator (!)

# -> NOTEQUALS (!=)

<EXE> -> Exception



--> => implements

<-- => extends


Sample-1: Write a WEB1.0 Program for Operator Overloading






public class example1


Shared int s3=0;

public Shared void operator *(int s1 ,int s2)


s3=s1 * s2;



public void WEB-Main( ) throws <EXE>


operator *(10,10);

operator *(200,10000);





What are the steps to configure and code and run web1.0part2 server ?

Step-1:At first copy all the *.dll files from src directory to lib directory now..

Step-2: write a java program and compile a java Program using javac <filename.java> at commandprompt at the directory you had installed web1.0 at <directory>/src and finally it will generate <filename.class> file.

Equivalent Java program for example1.Web is given below...



import java.io.*;

public class example1


public example1()



public static void MULMETHOD(int i, int j)


s3 = i * j;



public static void main(String args[])

throws Exception


MULMETHOD(10, 10);

MULMETHOD(200, 10000);


static int s3 = 0;


Step-3: Put the example1.java file at which drive and directory you had installed..

Step-4: Set the path to the directory where it is installed in

Params.txt in ServerRoot as <installationdirectory/src> and change the Port as 8090 or 9000 or what you want it in Params.txt file


After that Run the server using Web1.0Start server at desktop shortcut link and

type http://localhost:port/example1.WS at google browser or any browser.

and after that you will see the output in the webpage

Note: if you want a Security output with some

details or calculation to be displayed in that case WEB1.0 is followed.

when .Web is compiled by web1.0 server it generates an encrypted output file

ie) .WS








<script type="text/javascript">


function rewritePage(form) {

var newPage = "<html><head><title>Page for ";

newPage += form.entry.value;

newPage += "</title></head><body>";

newPage += "<h1>Hello, " + form.t1.value + "!</h1>";

newPage += "</body></html>";




function ShowValue(sel,id){

var obj=document.getElementById(id);






<form method="get" action=first4.j$ >

<select onchange="ShowValue(this,'txt');" >

<option value="" >Select</option>

<option value="value 1" >Option 1</option>

<option value="value 2" >Option 2</option>

</select> <span id="txt" ></span>

<br />

<select onchange="ShowValue(this,'txt2');" >

<option value="" >Select</option>

<option value="value 1" >Option 1</option>

<option value="value 2" >Option 2</option>

</select> <input id="txt2" />

<input type="text" name="t1" >

<input type="submit" name=s1 onclick="rewritePage(this.form);">








public class angulars


public void WEB-Main( ) throws <EXE>








If you know more about CDollarc fundamentals

there is no need to STUDY WEB1.0 fundamentals.

Since WEB1.0 follows CDollarc Programming Syntax.

so kindly brush CDollarc fundamentals concepts

before studying WEB1.0 Programming Concepts.


The statement HTML.displayhtml("angular.html"); will display the contents

of angular.html

Why you focus WEB1.0?

For WebService with namespace, for security, userfriendly interface design,easytouse,using web1.0 style sheet in other programming languages.....


SAMPLE3: How to use style sheets with Web1.0?


How to use style sheets with Web1.0?







public class design6


public void WEB-Main( ) throws <EXE>



// put all the CSS style sheets in design6.styles






When compiling using WEB1.0Part1Server

creates a filename.ws.

and now stop the WEB1.0Part1Server and Start


and run filename.ws url it will display the output....

Now you can see the following output when you click

view source....


now the style sheets are ready to be used by JSTAR Server for webdesign...


SAMPLE-4: WEB1.0 with WML -> Forms







<FORM TITLE='WILMIXjeminhhb1k FORM' Method='post' Url=''

color='green' Tcolor='gold' Name = 'ADD House / SHOP' GUICount='11' Password='no' Space='yes'

Type='submit' fields='{House/Shop{H/S},HouseNo/ShopNo,Occupant Name,Occupant Date,Advanced Payment,Amount Paid,Monthly Rent,EB Reading Last month, EB Reading This month,Rent Paid Date,Maintenance Charge,Other Maintenance Charge if any}'

GUI='text' Names='http://localhost:8080/jeminprograms/WSIT/wstar/wil12.wstar' Input ='{ROWS,COLS}'/>

// Name => form tittle

// Tcolor => textcolor gold

//fields => fields of form..

//GUI => text means text box

//GUICount => no of Text box GUI required (0 indicates 1 and 1 indicates 2 text //field and so-on)

//Space='yes' ; means it print space....

//color=background color


Example-4 : Displaying Web1.0 Webservice as a Form





public class house4


public void WEB-Main( ) throws <EXE>


WEB.Writeln("<html>"); //WEb.Writeln is used to print the String to webpage...

// <GUI> indicates call GUI forms or reports and 1 indicates Form

// and 2 indicates table and 3 for report and 4 for Bill..

WEB.Writeln(""+<GUI>("house2.wml", 1,null,null,null));








<WML> is the tag for WML mini sub programming language which is part of WEB1.0 webService ..

We already knows the html form tags simillar to WML . TITLE represents form Title and url represent post /get url

<FORM TITLE='WILMIXjeminhhb1k FORM' Method='post' Url=''

// color represent background color for form and Tcolor represent Text box layout colour

//Name represent Name of the Form , GUICount =11 means 12 text box will be assigned to WML layout

// Password =no means textbox type is not password and Space means after the textboxes Space will be assigned.

color='green' Tcolor='gold' Name = 'ADD House / SHOP' GUICount='11' Password='no' Space='yes'

// GUICount =11 ie) 12 textbox so you must enter 12 fields as in Fields and Type='submit' means the button type is submit.

Type='submit' fields='{House/Shop{H/S},HouseNo/ShopNo,Occupant Name,Occupant Date,Advanced Payment,Amount Paid,Monthly Rent,EB Reading Last month, EB Reading This month,Rent Paid Date,Maintenance Charge,Other Maintenance Charge if any}'

// GUI='text means Textbox in html ; Input ='{ROWS,COLS}' means layout with ROWS and COLS arrangement.

GUI='text' Names='http://localhost:8080/jeminprograms/WSIT/wstar/wil12.wstar' Input ='{ROWS,COLS}'/>

</WML> means equivalent to </html>

Note: This WML program explains that WEB1.0 Webservice used as a Form Types.




SAMPLE -5 : WEB1.0 with Json


Let assume that you retrieve from db file and print using Web1.0 webservice

and further it can be used by any writ programming languages, dotnet,java,etc.






public class json


public void WEB-Main( ) throws <EXE>







when compiled using Web1.0 Server will create a .WS encrypted file protected from hackers




SAMPLE -6: WEB1.0-Webservice with Display the contents of a Url


Write a WEB1.0 Program to Display the contents of the Url?




public class displayurl


public void WEB-Main( ) throws <EXE>



// HTML.urlcontents api is used to display the contents of the url.





Note: This will create encryted .WS file when executed on browser

it will display the contents of the google as a webservice..



SAMPLE -7: WEB1.0-Webservice with Displaying the Contents of WNOSQL



Write a WEB1.0 Program for Displaying the Contents of WNOSQL:-




public class ang


public void WEB-Main( ) throws <EXE>



// this will display the contents of EMPLOYEE.exe which is retrieved

using WNOSQL database..







SAMPLE-8:WEB1.0 Webservice for Displaying the Graphics


Write a Web1.0 Webservice for Displaying the Graphics:-


<!DOCTYPE html>



<svg width="100" height="100">

<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40"

stroke="green" stroke-width="4" fill="yellow" />

Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.








public class program11


public void WEB-Main( ) throws <EXE>










1)What are the Advantages of using WEB1.0 Webservice?

2)Why we Focus WEB1.0 Programmming Language?


1)What are the Advantages of using WEB1.0 Webservice?



a) Web1.0 is used as client faces security towards his website.

b) Web1.0 uses namespace url so any program can use the Web1.0 for security purpose.

c) Web1.0 is used to be deploy in cloud computing and mobile cloud computing

d) WEB1.0 contains beautiful designs and Themes .

e) WEB1.0 also act as DYNAMIC HTML and it can interact with security DATABASE using WNOSQL.

f) WEB1.0 also has OOPS concepts.

g) It is learnable.

h) It is easy to write a WEB1.0 namespace program than writing a webservice program.

i) It generates an encrypted class file

which is understood only by server.

so when you run the encrypted file (.WS) it generates the output.

j) It is also used in WEBPAGE construction like JSTAR , and PHP.

k) So a Client can kept any secret data in (WEB) namespace url and so it can be reused for futhure use.

l) It is used to convert a style sheet or any WML file to a encrypted format.

m) IT is an Interactive Programming Language and a friendly one.

n) Encrypted data from WEB is used for constructing GRAPHS ,Forms, charts ,only.

p) IT is used to display contents of Youtube and games....

q) IT is mostly used in SIT field , IT Field; and serve as an important tools for Security.

s) Includes all GDollar Advantages.

t) It uses multiprotocols like Internet..

u) It is Protocol specific for encryption.

v) WEB1.0 technology framework/language WML is best in userfriendly Interface design .

2)Why we Focus WEB1.0 Programmming Language?

Web1.0 is a webservice and WEB1.0 produces a securable webservice,attractive webdesign, and advanced Webservice..

And Web1.0 is a interactive Programmming Language used with

native programming languages like Dotnet, Java,php, etc.


SAMPLE -10: Create a Model Box using WEB1.0 P.L


Create a Model Box using WEB1.0 P.L:-


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


<title>Bootstrap Example</title>

<meta charset="utf-8">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.4.0/css/bootstrap.min.css">

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.4.0/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>



<div class="container">

<h2>Modal Example</h2>

<!-- Trigger the modal with a button -->

<button type="button" class="btn btn-info btn-lg" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">Open Modal</button>

<!-- Modal -->

<div class="modal fade" id="myModal" role="dialog">

<div class="modal-dialog">

<!-- Modal content-->

<div class="modal-content">

<div class="modal-header">

<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">&times;</button>

<h4 class="modal-title">Modal Header</h4>


<div class="modal-body">

<p>Some text in the modal.</p>


<div class="modal-footer">

<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>












public class modelbox


public void WEB-Main( ) throws <EXE>









Sample-11: Use web1.0 style sheet design10.ws in News.html for constructing Indian Asian newspaper





<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://localhost:8082/design10.WS">

<title>TODAY NEWSPAPER</title>



<div class="box header">Indian-Asian Newspaper</div>

<div class="head">

<div class="heading">

<div class="saucer"><span style="font-style: italic;">At year 2020 , All the world will focus JStar webdesign </span><br><span>JSTAR is more attractive and easy to design</span></div>

<header>Asian Newspaper</header>


<div class="subhead">Hyderabad - 25/6/2020 - One Page</div>


<div class="box content">

<div class="box sidebar">

<div id="pageContainer">

<div id="pageContent">

<div id="chaptersAccordion">

<div class="content">

<div class="collumns">

<div class="collumn">

<figure class="figure"><p align="left">This time is to focus on Jstar webdesign..Welcome to solomon Technology</p></figure>








Note: run Web1.0serverpart2 server you will get the given below




Sample-12: How to Create a beautiful template style sheets using WEB1.0 ?


Note: This example is most important example for web1.0 webservice professional to write java program equivalent to <filename>.Web program




<meta charset="utf-8">


body {

margin: 40px;


.sidebar {

grid-area: sidebar;


.sidebar2 {

grid-area: sidebar2;


.content {

grid-area: content;


.header {

grid-area: header;


.footer {

grid-area: footer;


.wrapper {

background-color: #fff;

color: #444;


@media only screen and (min-width: 400px) and (max-width: 540px) {

.wrapper {

display: grid;

grid-template-columns: 20% 5% auto;

grid-template-rows: auto;

grid-template-areas: "header header header"

"sidebar . content"

"sidebar2 sidebar2 sidebar2"

"footer footer footer";



@media only screen and (min-width: 540px) {

.wrapper {

display: grid;

grid-template-columns: 100px 20px auto 20px 100px;

grid-template-rows: auto;

grid-template-areas: "header header header header header"

"sidebar . content . sidebar2"

"footer footer footer footer footer";

max-width: 300px;



.box {

background-color: #444;

color: #fff;

border-radius: 5px;

padding: 20px;

font-size: 150%;


.header, .footer {

background-color: #999;


.sidebar2 {

background-color: #ccc;

color: #444;




Write a example2 program in java

and compile using WEB1.0

javac <filename.java>

Note: Web1.0-Javac can also compile java files



public class example2


public static void main(String args[])






Write a example2.Web program and compile and Run using

Web1.0serverpart2 server





public class example2


public void WEB-Main( ) throws <EXE>







You will get the given following output in google browser

Which indicates Web1.0 style sheet is created successfully…



Sample-13: 1) Create a style sheet for a Table format


Ans) Follow the same procedure as you followed in

Sample-12 for Web1.0



#tble {

font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

border-collapse: collapse;

width: 100%;


#tble td, #tble th {

border: 1px solid #ddd;

padding: 8px;


#tble tr:nth-child(even){background-color: #f2f2f2;}

#tble tr:hover {background-color: #ddd;}

#tble th {

padding-top: 12px;

padding-bottom: 12px;

text-align: left;

background-color: #4CAF50;

color: white;







public class tables


public void WEB-Main( ) throws <EXE>








Note: WEB1.0 is a mini Technology focused on webservice....

but it is most important for attractive design, advanced webservice and security.

Note: For more detail related to WXML you must go through JWEB2.0(JDollarpart2).

but WML in WEB1.0 webservice is different from JDOLLAR WEBSERVICE WXML.

Jdollar webservice is more advanced than WML. But for this WEB1.0 webservice p.l

WML is enough...