
WEB1.0 MOCK and Practise EXERCISES: (1 *100 =100 marks)

a) Write a JSTAR Program for Electricity online Bill using WEB1.0 stylesheet? (1*5 = 5 marks)

b) Write a JSTAR program with JQUERY to build a tree structure in JSTAR webpage

using Web1.0 JSON format.

(1*10 = 10 marks)

c) Write a JSTAR Program to build a remotewebapplication to enter all

student details in a form and store it using wnosql database.

after that update it ,retrieve it and print the webpage and you had

to use WEB1.0 style sheets.

(1*20=20 marks)

d) Write a JSTAR program using WEB1.0 with JQUERY or bootstrap to list the contents

from wnosql database and print it in table format. (1*5= 5 marks)

e) Write a JSTAR MVC program using WEB1.0 (1*20 =30 marks)

to check whether the student name present or not from student form with wnosql

and create fields using wnosql db with name,course,dateofjoin,dateoffinish, and status.

and perform logic in model class


if (course=="java")



if (course=="c/c++")



if (course=="dotnet")



if (course=="php")



if (course=="mgt")


if the student did not payed the fees mark the status as

"unpaid" otherwise mark the status "paid".

after that list all paid and unpaid people in

a seperate webpage.

f) Write a Web1.0 Program to print any url contents

in the webpage itself ( 1* 10 = 10 marks)

g) Write a WML program to print the form

using web1.0 . and print the form data in table format ( 1* 10 = 10 marks)

h) What are the advantages of using

WEB1.0 with JStar Programming Language.

Why Web1.0 is followed? ( 1*10 = 10 marks)

Note: If you know more about Jstar Programming Language

You can practice Jstar type questions otherwise practice WEB1.0 Programming

Language Questions.