
GAP package toric

This is a back-up site for toric, an official GAP package. The correct webpage for toric is at github.

Author: David Joyner

Needs: GAP in version at least 4.5.

Operating systems: Any, on which GAP 4 is running.

Current version: 1.9


Download: See below for archives in several formats.


toric is a package that implements some computations related to toric varieties and combinatorial geometry in GAP. With toric, affine toric varieties can be created and related information about them can be calculated. toric is written entirely in the GAP language by D. Joyner. Please send your bug reports to support or David Joyner.


To install toric (as a GAP4 Package) unpack the archive file in a directory in the `pkg' hierarchy of your version of GAP4. (This might be the `pkg' directory of the GAP 4 home directory.) On a *nix system, this is accomplished by (1) copying toric.tar.gz into the `pkg' subdirectory, (2) typing (as root, if necessary) `tar zxvf toric1.8.tar.gz'.

Hints for toric installation outside the GAP main directory: When you don't have access to

the directory of your main GAP installation you can also install the package by unpacking inside a directory MYGAPDIR/pkg. (Don't forget to call "gap" with the -l ";MYGAPDIR" option.) The only drawback with this installation is that in the HTML version of the package documentation the links to the main GAP manuals don't work.

Loading Toric

After starting up GAP, the toric package needs to be loaded. Load toric by typing at the GAP prompt:

gap> LoadPackage( "toric" );

If toric isn't already in memory, it is loaded and a small banner is displayed.

gap> LoadPackage("toric"); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loading toric 1.9 (toric variety package) by David Joyner. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- true

Online Documentation

Here is the documentation of the toric package in several output formats. If you have installed the package as described above you can also access all of these documents from the GAP online help.

Package Archives for Download

The toric package is available in the following formats:

  • version 1.8
    • toric1.8.tar.gz.
  • version 1.9
    • toric1.9.tar.gz.

This tar.gz file is about 200 K in size.

David Joyner / Last modified:
