Some papers

  1. On the Montgomery-Dyson hypothesis, 1986. pdf
  2. On the Kuznetsov-Bruggeman formula for a Hilbert modular surface having one cusp, 1990. Corrected 1997 version: pdf
  3. Simple local trace formulas for unramifed p-adic groups, 1992. pdf
  4. A hitch-hiker’s guide to invariant distributions on SL(2) over a p-adic field (expository), 1994. pdf
  5. A hitch-hiker’s guide to genuine invariant distributions on metaplectic covers of SL(2) over a p-adic field (expository), 1994. pdf
  6. (with M. Fourte) Odd king tours on even chess boards, 1997. pdf
  7. (with D. Spellman, G. Benkhardt, W. Wardlaw, A. Gaglione, M. Meyerson) Principal ideals and associate rings, 1997. pdf
  8. Schur index of generalized symmetric groups (mostly expository), 1998. pdf
  9. Notes on the trace formula for the metaplectic covers of GL(1, A) (expository), 1999. pdf
  10. (with D. Jabon) Stable characters of tamely ramified supercuspidal representations of small unitary groups, 1998. pdf
  11. Arithmetic of characters of generalized symmetric groups, 2002. pdf
  12. (with H. Verrill) Computing with toric varieties, 2004. pdf
  13. Notes on indefinite integral binary quadratic forms (expository), 2004 pdf
  14. Toric codes over finite fields, 2004. pdf
  15. (with P. Lejarraga) Smoothness properties of varieties of Borels, 2004. pdf
  16. (with D. Goldstein and R. Guralnick) A question about Pic(X) as a G-module, 2005. pdf
  17. (with A. Casey), Kittens, S(5, 6, 12), and mathematical blackjack in Sage (expository), 2006. pdf
  18. (with A. Ksir) Modular representations on some Riemann-Roch spaces of modular curves X(N), 2005. pdf
  19. On quadratic residue codes and hyperelliptic curves, 2006. pdf
  20. (with A. Ksir, R. Vogeler) Group representations on Riemann-Roch spaces of some Hurwitz curves, 2006. pdf
  21. Which Sm have a complement in Sn? (expository), 2007. pdf
  22. Primer on group homology and cohomology in GAP and Sage (expository), 2008. pdf
  23. Notes on the mathematics of camera depth of field (expository), 2008. pdf
  24. (with A. Ksir, C. Melles), Automorphism groups on tropical curves: some cohomology calculations, 2010. pdf
  25. Zeros of some self-reciprocal polynomials, 2011 pdf
  26. (with A. Ksir, W. Traves) Automorphism groups of generalized Reed-Solomon codes, 2013. pdf
  27. (with Charles Celerier, Caroline Melles, David Phillips, Steven Walsh), Edge-weighted Cayley graphs and p-ary bent functions (shorter, corrected version of the paper listed below). pdf
  28. (with Charles Celerier, Caroline Melles, David Phillips, Steven Walsh), Explorations of edge-weighted Cayley graphs and p-ary bent functions, 2016. pdf (contains some typos)