
Once you're a paid PTA member, you're encouraged and invited to volunteer at events and activities throughout the year. You'll need to sign up to volunteer for individual events and activities by joining the Memberhub page for that activity. Once you're all signed up, committee chairs will communicate with you via email regarding schedules, sign up sheets, and event details.

How to sign up to Volunteer:

1. Click on "join hubs" at the top of the screen

Join the committee's that you would like to help volunteer by clicking "join" to the right of the screen of each hub.

* You are able to leave a group or join more groups at a later time if needed.

* To see the hubs you joined, click "my hubs"

* If you click on a committee in "my hubs" it will bring you to that committee page to view their announements, discussions and signups!

Thank you and Happy Volunteering!!

Any questions please reach out to:

Membership: Krissie Legg
