ATTiny Fuse Reset with 12 Volt Charge Pump
This page shows how to build a more advanced version of the ATTiny Fuse Reset tool that uses a Charge Pump controlled by an Arduino interrupt routine to generate the 12 volts needed to program the fuses on the ATTiny chips. The details on how how to reset the fuses and how to build a charge pump are described on the pages linked above, so I won't repeat those details here. The schematic of the circuit needed is shown below:
I'm working on a PC Board that implements a simple Arduino Shield for this circuit. I plan to make this design available via SparkFun's BatchPCB service, but I'll post more details when that design is ready. When the PCB is ready, here are some suggested components you can use to build this circuit:
The Arduino program needed to drive this circuit is shown next (also available for download as an Arduino project at the bottom of the page.)
#include <TimerOne.h>
// AVR High-voltage Serial Fuse Reprogrammer with 12 Volt Charge Pump
// Adapted from code and design by Paul Willoughby 03/20/2010
// Fuse Calc:
#define SCI 12 // Target Clock Input
#define SDO 11 // Target Data Output
#define SII 10 // Target Instruction Input
#define SDI 9 // Target Data Input
#define VCC 8 // Target VCC
#define HFUSE 0x747C
#define LFUSE 0x646C
#define EFUSE 0x666E
// Define ATTiny series signatures
#define ATTINY13 0x9007 // L: 0x6A, H: 0xFF 8 pin
#define ATTINY24 0x910B // L: 0x62, H: 0xDF, E: 0xFF 14 pin
#define ATTINY25 0x9108 // L: 0x62, H: 0xDF, E: 0xFF 8 pin
#define ATTINY44 0x9207 // L: 0x62, H: 0xDF, E: 0xFF 14 pin
#define ATTINY45 0x9206 // L: 0x62, H: 0xDF, E: 0xFF 8 pin
#define ATTINY84 0x930C // L: 0x62, H: 0xDF, E: 0xFF 14 pin
#define ATTINY85 0x930B // L: 0x62, H: 0xDF, E: 0xFF 8 pin
// Define Direct I/O pins for Charge Pump
#define P1 0x04 // Pin D2
#define P2 0x08 // Pin D3
#define PWR 0x10 // Pin D4
#define GND 0x20 // Pin D5
#define REF 404 // 12 volt reference
// Variables used by Charge pump
volatile char phase = 0;
volatile char onOff = 0;
volatile char pwrOn = 0;
void ticker () {
if (onOff) {
DDRD = P1 | P2 | PWR | GND;
int volts = analogRead(A0);
if (volts < REF) {
if (phase) {
} else {
phase ^= 1;
} else {
pwrOn = 1;
} else {
pwrOn = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(VCC, OUTPUT);
pinMode(SDI, OUTPUT);
pinMode(SII, OUTPUT);
pinMode(SCI, OUTPUT);
pinMode(SDO, OUTPUT); // Configured as input when in programming mode
// Setup timer interrupt for charge pump
void loop() {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {;
pinMode(SDO, OUTPUT); // Set SDO to output
digitalWrite(SDI, LOW);
digitalWrite(SII, LOW);
digitalWrite(SDO, LOW);
onOff = 0; // 12v Off
digitalWrite(VCC, HIGH); // Vcc On
onOff = 1; // 12v On
while (pwrOn == 0)
pinMode(SDO, INPUT); // Set SDO to input
unsigned int sig = readSignature();
Serial.print("Signature is: ");
Serial.println(sig, HEX);
if (sig == ATTINY13) {
writeFuse(LFUSE, 0x6A);
writeFuse(HFUSE, 0xFF);
} else if (sig == ATTINY24 || sig == ATTINY44 || sig == ATTINY84 ||
sig == ATTINY25 || sig == ATTINY45 || sig == ATTINY85) {
writeFuse(LFUSE, 0x62);
writeFuse(HFUSE, 0xDF);
writeFuse(EFUSE, 0xFF);
digitalWrite(SCI, LOW);
digitalWrite(VCC, LOW); // Vcc Off
onOff = 0; // 12v Off
byte shiftOut (byte val1, byte val2) {
int inBits = 0;
//Wait until SDO goes high
while (!digitalRead(SDO))
unsigned int dout = (unsigned int) val1 << 2;
unsigned int iout = (unsigned int) val2 << 2;
for (int ii = 10; ii >= 0; ii--) {
digitalWrite(SDI, !!(dout & (1 << ii)));
digitalWrite(SII, !!(iout & (1 << ii)));
inBits <<= 1;
inBits |= digitalRead(SDO);
digitalWrite(SCI, HIGH);
digitalWrite(SCI, LOW);
return inBits >> 2;
void writeFuse (unsigned int fuse, byte val) {
shiftOut(0x40, 0x4C);
shiftOut( val, 0x2C);
shiftOut(0x00, (byte) (fuse >> 8));
shiftOut(0x00, (byte) fuse);
void readFuses () {
byte val;
shiftOut(0x04, 0x4C); // LFuse
shiftOut(0x00, 0x68);
val = shiftOut(0x00, 0x6C);
Serial.print("LFuse: ");
Serial.print(val, HEX);
shiftOut(0x04, 0x4C); // HFuse
shiftOut(0x00, 0x7A);
val = shiftOut(0x00, 0x7E);
Serial.print(", HFuse: ");
Serial.print(val, HEX);
shiftOut(0x04, 0x4C); // EFuse
shiftOut(0x00, 0x6A);
val = shiftOut(0x00, 0x6E);
Serial.print(", EFuse: ");
Serial.println(val, HEX);
unsigned int readSignature () {
unsigned int sig = 0;
byte val;
for (int ii = 1; ii < 3; ii++) {
shiftOut(0x08, 0x4C);
shiftOut( ii, 0x0C);
shiftOut(0x00, 0x68);
val = shiftOut(0x00, 0x6C);
sig = (sig << 8) + val;
return sig;