Relevant Planning Documents

There are many existing plans for the Flagstaff area that have important and applicable information for the Watershed Management Plan, they include, but are not limited to, the following:

Climate Action and Adaptation Plan — City of Flagstaff Climate Action and Adaptation Plan. The most relevant sections are under Strategies and Actions - Natural Environment (pg. 64-74), Water Resources (pg. 75-82), Economic Prosperity and Recreation (pg. 122-130), and the Implementation Summary and Schedule (pg. 131-end).

Coconino County Comprehensive Plan — Coconino County Comprehensive Plan - use as a model

Four Forests Restoration Initiative Strategic Plan — Geographic area contains the Rio de Flag watershed; mention of watershed considerations throughout.

FWPP Implementation Plan — Flagstaff Watershed Protection Project Implementation Plan in coordination with USFS and City of Flagstaff

Picture Canyon Management Plan — Management plan for Picture Canyon Natural and Cultural Preserve in Flagstaff.