Differential Geometry (MATS 197) Fall 2015

General Information

Instructor: Vyron Vellis (vyron.v.vellis "AT" jyu "DOT" fi)

Lecture: Tuesday 12:15 - 14:00 in MaD 302, Thursday 12:15 - 14:00 in MaD 380

Exercise: Tuesday 8:15 - 10:00 in MaD 355

Topics: Differentiable manifolds, tangent bundles, differentials, tensor fields, differential forms, Lie derivatives

Prerequisite: General Topology, Linear Algebra and Differential and Integral Calculus

Syllabus: Syllabus


  1. Introduction to Smooth Manifolds , J. M. Lee

  2. Differential Geometry , by Enrico Le Donne

Suggested texts:

  1. A course in Differential Geometry , T. Aubin

  2. Lectures on Differential Geometry , S. S. Chern, W. H. Chen, K. S. Lam

  3. Riemannian Manifolds, An introduction to curvature , J. M. Lee

    • Exam 1 is now available: Exam 1

    • Exam 2 is now available: Exam 2

    • Exam 3 is now available: Exam 3

Course Schedule