Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (Math 3710) Fall 2016

General Information

Instructor: Vyron Vellis (vyron.vellis "AT" uconn "DOT" edu), MONT 306


  1. Section 001: MWF 11:15 AM - 12:05 PM in MONT 314

  2. Section 002: MWF 10:10 - 11:00 in MONT 113

Office Hours: MWF 12:10 PM - 13:10 PM or by appointment

Topics: Construction of mathematical models in the social, physical, life and management sciences. Linear programming, simplex algorithm, duality. Graphical and probabilistic modeling. Stochastic processes, Markov chains and matrices. Basic differential equations and modeling.

Prerequisite: MATH 2420; or MATH 2410 and 2210. Knowledge of a programming language is strongly recommended. Not open for credit to students who have passed MATH 5530 or 5540, CHEM 305, or PHYS 5350.

Syllabus: Syllabus

Textbook: Topics in Mathematical Modeling , K. K. Tung. ISBN -13: 978-0-691-11642-6

Course Schedule