The Global Economy (MBA)

Spring 2014

Important dates

Events - Global Economy Forum, Jan 31

Exams (Section 30, M 6-9) - Midterm, Mar 31 Final, May 12

(Section 31, W 6-9) - Midterm, Mar 26 Final, May 7

Problem Sets (Section 30) - Feb 24 Mar 3 Mar 24 Apr 21 May 5

(Section 31) - Feb 19 Feb 26 Mar 12 Apr 16 Apr 30




Session 0 (Optional) January 31

Global Economy Forum.

"Prospects and Challenges for the U.S. and International Economies"

(Former U.S. Treasury Secretaries Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers)


Session 1 Section 30: Feb 10 Section 31: Feb 12

Introduction and overview. Measurement.

Read before class: Math Review (Ch. 1) | Macroeconomic Data (Ch. 2) | Syllabus (PDF)

Learn to use FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Database): NYU Stern YouTube Tutorials and Other FRED Tutorials

Something extra: NYU Stern Economics blog

Problem set guidelines: DOC Slides: PPT In-class GDP example: PDF | Solutions

Global Economy Coursebook (PDF)


Session 2 Section 30: Feb 24 Section 31: Feb 19

Long run growth. Production functions.

Read before class: Production Function (Ch. 3) | Notes on Solow model | (Ch. 4)

View Short Video Before Class: Gapminder

Due beginning of class: Problem set #0 | Solutions

Slides: PPT Solow Model Workbook: XLS Depreciation Rates Article (PDF; interesting tables at the end)

UN Human Development Indicators: Explorer

Optional readings:

GS (using Solow model to make growth predictions in 2003): PDF

GS progress report on BRICs predictions: PDF The Economist blog: Backlash against BRICs Backlash


Session 3 Section 30: Mar 3 Section 31: Feb 26

Technology and institutions.

Read before class: Sources of Economic Growth (Ch. 5) | Institutions and Policies (Ch. 6)

Due beginning of class: Problem Set #1 | Country data | Solutions (Excel, Figures)

Slides: PPT

Useful links:

World Bank Governance Indicators World Bank Doing Business in…

Transparency International Corruption Index

Optional readings:

Citi Growth Model (PDF) Diamond of Sustainable Growth (PDF) Bernanke Speech

Guns, Germs, and Steel Investment in China Where was China? Easterly


Session 4 Section 30: Mar 10 Section 31: Mar 5

Consequences of globalization. Who gains from trade, who loses?

Read before class: International Trade (Ch. 9)

Practice problem set: PDF | Solutions

Slides: PPT

Optional readings:

The Economist on the Smoot-Hawley Tariff The NYT on Chinese Solar Panels

The NYT on China's take on Chinese Solar Panels FRBSF Note: The US Content of 'Made in China'

Bastiat on the "Negative Railroad"


Session 5 Section 30: Mar 24 Section 31: Mar 12

Labor markets.

Read before class: Labor Markets (Ch. 7)

Due beginning of class : Problem Set #2 | Solutions | Solow Workbook with TFP Growth

Practice Problem Set: PDF | Solutions Slides: PPT Dynamic Unemployment Model Workbook: (XLS)

Optional readings:

2010 Nobel Prize in Economics: Search Theory WSJ article: Why Labor Surveys Tell Two Stories


Session 6 Section 30: Mar 31 Section 31: Mar 26

Midterm exam. Solutions

First half summary: Pg. 41-43 Exam strategies: PDF Practice Exam: PDF | Solutions


Session 7 Section 30: Apr 7 Section 31: Apr 2

Business cycle indicators. What is money ? Hyperinflations.

Read before class: Business-Cycle Properties (Ch. 10) | Business-Cycle Indicators (Ch. 11) | Money and Inflation (Ch. 12)

Correlation explained simply (link) CCF basic example (XLS) CCF workbook (XLS)

Slides: PPT


Session 8 Section 30: Apr 14 Section 31: Apr 9

AS/AD theory. Monetary policy I.

Read before class: Aggregate Supply and Demand (Ch. 13) | Policy in the AS/AD Model (Ch. 14)

Cooley-Rupert Snapshot

Slides: PPT


Session 9 Section 30: Apr 21 Section 31: Apr 16

Monetary policy II. How does the central bank manage interest rates ?

Read before class: Money and Interest Rates (Ch. 15)

Due beginning of class: Problem Set #3 | Solutions

Fed policy game

Slides: PPT


Session 10 Section 30: Apr 28 Section 31: Apr 23

Fiscal policy; taxes and deficits.

Read before class: Taxes (Ch. 16) | Debt and Deficits (Ch. 17)

Slides: PPT

Optional readings:

Glaeser: Limits of our Knowledge Mankiw: The Day When the Debt Comes Due

CBO: The Long-Term Budget Outlook (February 2014) CBO: The Outlook for Health Care Spending (slide show)


Session 11 Section 30: May 5 Section 31: Apr 30

Macroeconomic Crises.

Read before class: Macroeconomic Crises (Ch. 21) and "Cross of Euros" (PDF)

Due beginning of class: Problem Set #4 | Solutions | Workbook

Slides: PPT

Optional reading:

The Economist blog: "The Euro Crisis -- A Three-Headed Beast"


Session 12 Section 30: May 12 Section 31: May 7

Final exam.

Practice Exam Solutions