Topics in Macroeconomics, Spring 2016

Session 1 (March 24): Overview. Information frictions and business cycles. ** HOMEWORK 1 **

Papers: Angeletos et. al. (2015), Angeletos and La'O (2009, 2013), Benhabib et. al. (2015)

Related work: Venkateswaran (2015)


Session 2: (March 31): Information frictions and long-run outcomes.

Paper: David et. al. (2015)

Related work: Jovanovic (2014)


Session 3: (Apr 7) Information frictions in financial markets I (Lecture by Ali Shourideh)

Papers: Kyle (1985, 1989), Glosten and Milgrom (1985), Back and Baruch (2004),

Related work: Vives (2011), Copeland and Galai (1983), Babus and Kondor (2014), Kawakami (2014), Maurin (2015)


Session 4: (Apr 14) Information frictions in financial markets II

Guerrieri et. al. (2009), Lester et. al. (2015)

Related work: Budish et. al. (2015)

Presentation: Dong Wei


Session 5: (Apr 21) Methods I (Lecture by Zhen Huo)

Paper: TBA

Presentation: Milena Almagro-Gracia


Session 6: (Apr 28) Methods II (Lecture by Michael Dickstein)

Papers: Dickstein and Morales (2015)

Presentation: Arnav Sood


Session 7: (May 5) TBD

Related work:

Presentation: Hargungeet Singh