3. Noun Cases and Declensions

In Vúndwÿldówyn, there are many cases, in total there are twenty-two of them, which makes the language just a little hard to learn. What makes it more difficult is that up to the instrumental case, they don't go by any specific pattern except for a pattern of letter which is in all nouns for up to the instrumental case, and what makes it even easier is that most nouns have it at the front of the noun. Below are the cases including the pattern for up to the instrumental case. It also shows an example for an irregular noun: dwÿlm which means person, and the rest of the cases use either dwÿlm, tÿwÿ which means child (when it's a noun), and dwò which is a little person. The last case is a little different and includes all nouns, with four new cases.

Nominative: dwÿlm, nothing happens to the noun

Vocative: dwÿlém, -é

Accusative: dwÿlúm, -ú

Genitive: dwÿlūm, -ū

Dative: dwÿlóm, -ó

Instrumental: dwÿlòm, ò

First Declension (nouns that have a two-consonant clutter at the end of the word)

In: dwÿlmkén

On: dwÿlmkén

To/by the side of (by): dwÿlémkén

Down from: Dwÿlúmkén

Up from: Dwÿlūmkén

Out from: Dwÿlómkén

(On) from: Dwÿlòmkén

Into: Dwÿléúmkén

Onto: Dwÿléūmkén

Into the space adjacent to the place: Dwÿléómkén

Through: Dwÿléòmkén

With: Dwÿlúūmkén

Second Declension (nouns that end in "ÿ" or "y")

In: Tÿwÿm

On: Tÿwÿm

To/by the side of (by): Tÿwÿm

Down from: Tÿwÿúm

Up from: Tÿwÿúm

Out from: Tÿwÿúm

(On) from: Tÿwÿúm

Into: Tÿwÿúmén

Onto: Tÿwÿúmén

Into the space adjacent to the place: Tÿwÿúmén

Through: Tÿwÿúménūs

With: Tÿwÿúménūs

Third Declension (nouns that end in any other vowel than "ÿ" or "y")

In: Dwòm

On: Dwòm

To/by the side of (by): Dwòm

Down from: Dwònúm

Up from: Dwònúm

Out from: Dwònúm

(On) from: Dwònúm

Into: Dwònúmén

Onto: Dwònúmén

Into the space adjacent to the place: Dwònúmén

Through: Dwònúménūs

With: Dwònúménūs

Fourth Declension (nouns that end in one consonant)

In: dwÿlmkén

On: dwÿlmkén

To/by the side of (by): dwÿlmékén

Down from: Dwÿlmúkén

Up from: Dwÿlmūkén

Out from: Dwÿlmókén

(On) from: Dwÿlmòkén

Into: Dwÿlméúkén

Onto: Dwÿlméūkén

Into the space adjacent to the place: Dwÿlméókén

Through: Dwÿlméòkén

With: Dwÿlmúékén

Fifth Declension (all other cases, all nouns)

Against (as in opposed): -éú

Without: -éū

Like: -éó

During: -éò