2. Noun Genders, Determiners, and the Plural

There are six genders in Vúndwÿldowyn: feminine, masculine, neuter, feminine abstract, masculine abstract, and neuter abstract. Most of the time, it's pretty easy to tell which nouns is which gender, the ones that are not living and are objects we can see are usually neuter, the ones that we can't see are usually neuter abstract. For this reason, masculine and feminine abstract rarely get used, though (as I have said before) they sometimes they do (like in the word "love" which is feminine abstract).

The genders tell you how you should say the definite article you should put before the word, and the all the genders are below showing what definite clause you should put before the noun depending on the gender (there is also a plural in the language for the word "the" and it is shown below with the genders).


Masculine: dwÿ

Feminine: twÿ

Neuter: lÿ

Masculine abstract: dwÿl

Feminine abstract: twÿl

Neuter abstract: lÿl


Masculine: dwÿm

Feminine: twÿm

Neuter: lÿm

Masculine, abstract: dwÿlm

Feminine, abstract: twÿlm

Neuter, abstract: lÿlm

Though you make the definite article plural, you still have to make the noun plural as well, this is done by adding an m at the end of the noun, but it's not pronounced unless there is a consonant at the end of it, though it's written. The indefinite article stays the same even with plurals, singulars, and gender.