Tanja Vuckovic Juros


Sexualities & Gender

Families & SexualitiesAnti-Gender Mobilizations in CEEIntimate Citizenship, LGBT Rights & Social Exclusion of Sexual MinoritiesAttitudes & Public Discourse on Sexuality & Gender 

Qualitative Methodology

Qualitative Interviewing Research EthicsMixed Methods

Collective Memories

Communicative MemoriesGenerational Transmission of MemoriesMemories of Socialist Yugoslavia

Cultural Inequalities & Stratifications

Youth & Subcultures Cultural Capital, Educational Strategies & HabitusMarginalized Groups

Cultural Transformations of Post-Socialist Societies

Values in Comparative PerspectiveGenerational Changes Migrations & Social Remittances

Project Sense AGENDa (2021-2024)

The project "How Ordinary People Make Sense of Anti-Gender Messages" (Sense AGENDa) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme  under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement #101025722 and conducted at Department of Sociology, University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Croatia, with secondment at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.

Project TransNorm/TOFNITW (2017-2019)

The project "Transformation of Family Norms in a Transnational World: How LGBT Migrants can Affect Change through Social Remittances" (TOFNITW, aka TransNorm) was supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement #702650 and conducted at Interdisciplinary Research Center on Families and Sexualities (CIRFASE) University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Project OBRIRK (2015-2016)

The interdisciplinary research project "Educational paths and work careers of young people who grew up in poverty" (OBRIRK) was supported by the European Social Fund, through Research grants for the professional development of young researchers and postdoctoral fellows (# HR.3.2.01). 

 As a member of a five-person research team, my theoretical focus in this research project was on the issues of cultural capital and habitus. 

Project CroNewsLGBT (2014)

Collaborative project with Ivana Dobrotić & Sunčica Flego examining LGBT Frames in Croatian Newspapers Between 2002 and 2013.

Doctoral Dissertation Research at Department of Sociology, Indiana University Bloomington. 

Committee: Brian Steensland (PhD supervisor), Elizabeth Armstrong, Tom Gieryn, Ognjen Čaldarović

Supported by the Doctoral   Dissertation   Research   Improvement   Grant (#0825225), National   Science Foundation (NSF), USA (2008), and the Fellowship for Doctoral Students, National Foundation for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development, Croatia (2008).

PhD Thesis (2012, Indiana University Bloomington): Social changes and the generational differences in the formation of collective memories [in English]. 

Ma Thesis (2007, Indiana University Bloomington) Old Ways in New Times. Distributive Justice Ideologies of Transitional Cohort in Four Post-communist Countries  [unpublished]

BA thesis (2005, University of Zagreb): Players of Tabletop Role-Playing Games (RPG) as a Subculture [in Croatian

Student article (2003): Role Playing Games (RPG) subculture [in Croatian]