Collaborative project examining newspaper frames on LGBT issues in Croatia between 2002 and 2013.

Researchers: Tanja Vučković Juroš, Ivana Dobrotić & Sunčica Flego.

The project was conducted during 2014 at Social Policy Unit at the Department of Social Work, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb.


Vuckovic Juros T, Dobrotić I and Flego S (2020). The Rise of the Anti-Gender Movement in Croatia and the 2013 Marriage Referendum, Europe-Asia Studies, OnlineFirst 19 October.

Conference presentations:

Dobrotić, I., Flego, S. & Vučković Juroš, T. (2014). Framing LGBT Issues in Croatian Newspapers: Between Civil Rights and Traditional Morality, Towards a European Society? Boundaries, Borders, Barriers, Zagreb, Croatia

Vučković Juroš, T., Dobrotić, I. and Flego, S. (2015). Discursive Strategy of the Religious-Conservative Mobilisation against the Same-Sex Marriage in Croatia, Workshop ‘Fringe Politics in Southeastern Europe II - Conservative Social Movements and the Mainstreaming of Extremism in Southeast Europe’, Graz, Austria

The CroNewsLGBT Database 2002-2013

This database consists of articles on issues related to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues that were published during 'critical discursive moments' between 2002 and 2013 in nine Croatian newspapers.

Examined newspapers:

24sata (since it was first published in 2005)

Glas Slavonije


Jutarnji list

Nacional (until 06/2012 in print form)

Novi list

Slobodna Dalmacija

Večernji list

Vjesnik (until it stopped publishing in 2012)

Articles in each newspaper were selected manually by the researchers based on the title / content that had to be related to the following keywords:

  • homoseksualnost, homoseksualci (homosexuality, homosexuals)

  • LGBT & variations

  • homofobija (homophobia)

  • gay / Pride / povorka ponosa (pride march) & variations

  • zdravstveni odgoj (health education)

  • referendum o braku (marriage referendum)

  • istospolne zajednice (same-sex unions)

Newspapers were examined for articles of interest during 'critical discursive moments', which are the periods of expected greater public interest in LGBT-related issues.

Annual Pride Parades [coverage a week before and a week afterwards]: 2002-2013 in Zagreb, 2011-2013 in Split

Parliamentary Sessions [coverage during and a week afterwards]: Same-Sex Unions / Registered / Life Partnership (2003, 2006, 2013); Family Law (2003); Gender Equality (2003, 2008); Medically-Assisted Reproduction (2005, 2009, 2011, 2012); Anti-Discrimination (2008, 2012)

International Day against Homophobia [coverage at the day]: 2005-2013

Health Education Curriculum Debate*: 2012-2013

Referendum on Constitutional Definition of Marriage*: 2013

Other events*: Croatian Premiere of the movie 'Parada': 2012; Announcement of the Life Partnership Bill: 2013

*Press conferences - coverage at the day and the following day; Demonstrations - coverage a week before and a week afterwards. Public debates - coverage during and two days after they ended. Other events - coverage at the day and a week afterwards.