Artifact 03

Artifact Title:

What: Describe your artifact here. Use 1 or 2 paragraphs. Write it as though you are introducing it to the reader.

    • If it is a lesson plan or teaching strategy, include the outcomes that will be expected and how you plan to assess them. You will describe your success in the next section.

So What: Describe the importance of this artifact.

    • If it is a lesson plan, describe how things went when you taught the lesson. What was the students' level of success?

Now What: What did you learn from completing this artifact?

    • If it is a lesson plan, how will you do things differently in the future based upon what you have learned from doing this.

Standards Connections:

After each standard's title, explain why you believe the artifact addresses the standard. Describe how the artifact aligns with one or more components of related standards below. As you develop this for your specific needs, replace "Standard 1" with the actual name of the standard (e.g., Student Learning or Creativity and Innovation)

The portfolio creator should remove the standards not aligned with this artifact.

1. Facilitating a Vision of Learning

2. School Culture and Instructional Program

3. Management

4. Collaboration with Families and Communities

5. Acting with Integrity, Fairness, and in an Ethical Manner

6. The Political, Social, Economic, Legal and Cultural Context

Artifact Link/Attachment:

REMOVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS: Attach your artifact at the bottom of the page (Attachments area), or create a descriptive hyperlink here to your web-based artifact. If attaching a file, be sure to explain what type of file it is and what software might be required (e.g., download a 30-day trial version of Inspiration software at