Lab members

Jef Vizentin-Bugoni

Principal investigator, lab leader

Professor of Ecology at Universidade Federal de Pelotas.

Jef is interested in the ecology, evolution and conservation of animal-plant interactions. He often uses network analyses and null models to investigate how interactions are organized and how they define community structure and functioning. Pollination and seed dispersal interactions are his main study systems.

In his free time, Jef likes practicing yoga, playing soccer and spending time in nature, especially birdwatching.

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Current members

Graduate students

Fernanda Machado Teixeira

Fernanda is investigating which traits define keystone species in a seed dispersal network in Southern Brazil. She loves birdwatching and is an excellent photographer. 

Juliana Hinz Wolter

Ju is investigating how individual traits in a plant population filter out the bird species that consume their seeds. She also loves birdwatching.

Undergraduate students

Marcos Pizzato de Azeredo

Marcos is studying interactions among plants and flower-dwelling mites that use hummingbirds to move from flower to flower. 

Victor Kenzo Fernandes Tanaka

Victor is helping to create a regional seed collection and is investigating seed dispersal by non-flying mammals.

Bruna Razeira Wahast

Bruna is helping to create a regional seed collection and is investigating how morphological matching between bills and seeds influence seed dispersal

Arthur Fattah Rosani

Arthur is beginning to investigate frugivory interactions on a keystone plant species in S Brazil

Gabriel Henrique Silva dos Santos

Gabriel is beginning to use molecular tools to investigate frugivory interactions in Southern Brazil

Extra-lab students

Lis Bacchieri Cavalheiro

Lis is to be a PhD student at UNESP.  She investigates processes shaping hawkmoth-plant interactions under the primary supervision of Professor Felipe Amorim. 

Former students

Lis Bachieri Cavalheiro

Master in Animal Biology - Lis investigated the role of evolutionary histories in shaping mutualistic hawkmoth-plant interactions. Her resuts are currently under review.

Andreza Lautenschleger

BSc in Biology - Andreza studied the structure of mutualistic hawkmoth-plant interactions and its drivers. Here results are published in Ecological Entomology 

Maiara Vissoto

Master in Animal Biology.  Maiara investigated individual specialization on seed dispersers in a plant population Her results are published in Oecologia and Journal of Ornithology. Maiara is currently a PhD student at UFMS. 

Main active collaborators

Professor at University of Wyoming

Projects: Hawaii-VINE Project

Army Ant Followers Project

Professor at University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign

Hawaii-VINE Project

Professor at University of Wyoming

Project: Hawaii-VINE Project

Postdoc at University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign

Army Ant Followers Project

Professor at Federal University of Minas Gerais

Plant-hummingbird interactions  in urban areas

Professor at University of Copenhagen

Macroecology of hummingbird-plant interactions

Professor at Federal University of Pelotas

Flower-breeding drosophilids and plants ecology and evolution

Professor at Federal University of Pelotas

Ecology of grassland birds | Ecology of frugivore birds

Professor at Federal University of Pelotas

Plant-hawkmoth interactions 

Felipe W. Amorim

Professor at Universidade Estadual Paulista - Botucatu

Plant-hawkmoth interactions