
Mechanics, more I dive into it, more it fascinates me. Particularly classical mechanics and dynamics. It extends from Newtonian mechanics to celestial mechanics to solid mechanics and even further classical statistical mechanics.

And then comes the another beauty. Lagrange's equations, Euler–Lagrange equations, Noether's Principle, Principle of least action, Hamilton's principle, and this list goes on. But fascination doesn't end.

Starting from solution of projectile motion, to modelling of the rattleback motion, from solving the rigid body motion in free space, to model vehicle dynamics, it is everywhere. I never cease to admire the beauty that lies within its simplicity. During my master's thesis in solid mechanics too, this went hand in hand with the tire mechanics.

Later I realized, mechanics and dynamics is everywhere, every process has a governing dynamics, be it prey-predator model in population growth, or convergence of biologically inspired algorithm, there is a dynamics included in it. Once that is understood, the problem seems to break down to bit and pieces.