Teaching (Feb - Jun 2016)

Graph Theory and Algorithms

Syllabus and course information

Basics (handout)

Exercises 1

  • Please hand in Q1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11(a) at the beginning of class on Thursday 18th Feb.

Exercises 2

  • Update 24th Feb - There was a mistake in Q8 on the sheet handed out that has been corrected in the link. You should now be able to complete Q1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8.

  • Update 2nd Mar - There was a typo in Q10 that has now been corrected in the link. Please hand in solutions to all questions except Q5 and Q11 at the beginning of class on Wednesday 9th Mar.

Exercises 3

  • Update 9th Mar - You should now be able to complete Q1, 2, 3.

  • Update 15th Mar - You should now be able to do all 7 questions on the sheet. Note there was a typo in question 7: "at least" should say "at most" Please hand in solutions to all questions at the beginning of class on Wednesday 30th Mar.

Exercises 4

  • Update 12th April - Please hand in all questions at the beginning of class on Wednesday 13th April (as requested in my last email).

Exercises 5

  • Update 12th April - There are currently 4 questions on the exercise sheet, all of which you should now be able to do. More questions will be added for you to attempt next week. Solutions are due in on Wednesday 27th Apr, but due to King's Day, you can hand them in either in lecture (on the 26th) or in my pigeonhole by the end of Thursday 28th April.

  • Update 19th April - Three more questions have been added and you should now be able to do all of them.

Exercises 6

  • Update 28th April - There are currently 4 questions on the exercise sheet, all of which you should now be able to do. More questions will be added for you to attempt next week. Solutions for this exercise sheet are due by the end of Friday 18th May in my pigeon hole.

  • Update 10th May - Two questions have been added. Please hand in your solutions at the beginning of class on Wednesday 18th May (I mistakenly put Friday 18th May above).

Exercises 7