Hamilton cycles on dense regular directed and oriented graphs (with Alan Lo and Mehmet Akif Yildiz)
Path decompositions of random directed graphs (with Fabian Storh and Alberto Espuny Diaz)
Journal Publications
A polynomial-time algorithm to determine (almost) Hamiltonicity of dense regular graphs (with Fabian Stroh). SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics 36(2): 1363-1393 (2022).
Lee–Yang zeros and the complexity of the ferromagnetic Ising model on bounded-degree graphs (with Pjotr Buys, Andreas Galanis, Guus Regts) Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 10 (2022).
Structure and colour in triangle-free graphs (with N.R. Aravind, Stijn Cambie, Wouter Cames van Batenburg, R{\'e}mi de Joannis de Verclos, Ross Kang). Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 28(2) P2.47 (2021).
On zero-free regions for the anti-ferromagnetic Potts model on bounded-degree graphs (with Ewan Davies, Ferenc Bencs and Guus Regts). Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare D 8(3): 459–489 (2021).
Switch-based Markov chains for sampling Hamiltonian cycles in dense graphs (with Pieter Kleer and Fabian Stroh). Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 27(4): P4.29 (2020).
Decomposing tournaments into paths (with Allan Lo, Jozef Skokan, and John Talbot). Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 121(2): 426-461 (2020).
Computing the number of induced copies of a fixed graph in bounded a degree graph (with Guus Regts). Algorithmica 81(5): 1844-1858 (2019).
Discrepancy and large dense monochromatic subsets (with Ross Kang and Guus Regts). Journal of Combinatorics 10(1): 87-109 (2019).
Excluding hooks and their complements (with Krzysztof Choromanski, Dvir Falik, Anita Liebenau, Viresh Patel, Marcin Pilipczuk). Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 25(3): P3.27 (2018).
Hamilton cycles in sparse robustly expanding digraphs (with Allan Lo). Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 25(3): P3.44 (2018).
On a Ramsey-type problem of Erdos and Pach (with Ross Kang, Eoin Long, and Guus Regts). Bulleitin of the London Mathematical Society 49(6): 991-999 (2017).
Deterministic polynomial-time approximation algorithms for partition functions and graph polynomials (with Guus Regts) SIAM Journal of Computing. 46(6): 1893–1919 (2017).
Parameterised TSP: beating the average (with Gregory Gutin) SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics 30(1): 220-238 (2016).
Finding shortest paths between graph colourings (with Matthew Johnson, Dieter Kratsch, Stefan Kratsch, and Daniel Paulusma) Algorithmica 75(2): 295-321 (2016).
A domination algorithm for {0,1}-instances of the Travelling Salesman Problem (with Daniela Kühn and Deryk Osthus) Random Structures and Algorithms 48(3): 427-453 (2016).
Mixing of the Glauber dynamics for the ferromagnetic Potts model (with Catherine Greenhill and Magnus Bordewich) Random Structuresand Algorithms 48(1): 21-52 (2016).
A precise threshold for quasi-Ramsey numbers (with János Pach, Ross Kang, and Guus Regts). SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics 29(3) 1670-1682 (2015).
Poset limits can be ootally ordered (with Jan Hladký, Andras Máthé, and Oleg Pikhurko). Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 367: 4319--4337 (2015).
Proof of a conjecture of Thomassen on Hamilton cycles in highly connected tournaments (with John Lapinskas, Daniela Kühn, and DerykOsthus). Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 109: 733-762 (2014).
Tight inequalities among set hitting times in Markov chains (with Simon Griffiths, Ross Kang, and Roberto Oliveira). Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 142(9): 3285--3298 (2014).
Reconfiguration graphs for vertex colourings for chordal and chordal bipartite graphs (with Marthe Bonamy, Matthew Johnson, Ioannis Lignos, and Daniel Paulsma). Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 27(1): 132-143 (2014).
On toughness and Hamiltonicity of 2K_2-free graphs (with Hajo Broersma and Artem Pyatkin). Journal of Graph Theory 75(3):244-255 (2014).
Obtaining online ecological colourings by generalizing first-fit (with Matthew Johnson, Daniel Paulusma, Theophile Trunck). Theory of Computing Systems 54(2): 244-260 (2014).
Determining edge expansion and other connectivity measures of graphs of bounded genus SIAM Journal on Computing 42(3): 1113-1131 (2013).
Tight complexity bounds for FPT subgraph problems parameterized by clique-width (with Hajo Broersma and Petr Golovach). Theoretical Computer Science 485: 69-84 (2013).
The complexity status of problems related to sparsest cuts (with Hajo Broersma, Paul Bonsma, and Artem Pyatkin). Journal of Discrete Algorithms 14: 136-149 (2012).
Average relational distance in linear extensions of posets (with Graham Brightwell). Discrete Math. 310(5): 1016-1021 (2010).
Partitioning posets Order, 25(2): 131-152 (2008).
Cutting two graphs simultaneously Journal of Graph Theory 57(1): 19-32 (2008).