What I Believe

I believe that Jesus of Nazareth, as described in the gospel accounts Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, is the Messiah (Christ) and Son of God. I believe he died for all sins, and that anybody can be saved from Hell by believing on Him and obeying God's Word.

I believe that God has shown us what we must do to be saved. When we believe and know we are sinners that need Jesus' perfect sacrifice to save us, and are willing to change our lives to live for him rather than our own selfish desires, then we can be baptized by immersion in water to show that at that point, we are committing to him. Jesus aid in Mark 16:16, "He who believes and is baptized shall be saved." Peter answered the question "What shall we do?" in Acts 2:38, "Repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins..." How can one claim they want to be saved by Jesus and then not do what he said to do?

I believe that the Church is God's people on Earth. I believe it is New Testament Israel. I believe we must be part of it to be saved. I believe God gave us the pattern of worship that will please him, and that we should strive to follow that pattern.

I believe the Bible is the literal and inerrant Word of God. I believe in it we can find the answers to all of life's questions, as Peter said, "ALL things for life and Godliness..." I believe we never stop learning from God's Word.