

ARDOUREL, Vincent  (2018). Du calcul sur ordinateur à la mécanique discrète, Paris : Vrin, collection Mathesis. 

(link to the book

Abstract: Can continuum be replaced by discrete in the equations of physics? This question raises with the development, since the 1970's, of discrete formulations of classical mechanics. This book investigates the philosophical issues of these novel approaches. It shows the role of numerical computations in this new mathematization of physics, examines the consequences of a discrete representation of time, and discusses the nature of physical theories.

Vrin - Mathesis  - 240 pages - ISBN 978-2-7116-2817-9 


        preprint, PhilSci, HAL

        preprint: PhilSci, HAL, read online

      HAL, preprint 


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       HAL, preprint

    HAL,   preprint

      HAL, preprint



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