QFT Winter 2015

Course Description

Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is a basic framework to describe nature at the most fundamental level. It is a framework in the same way that Newton's laws form the basic framework of classical mechanics and Maxwell's equations form the basic framework of electromagnetism. QFT is a framework that was born from attempts to merge quantum mechanics with Einstein's special theory of relativity. QFT finds many applications in particle physics, condensed matter physics, cosmology and string theory.

Just as Newton's laws require physical input to specify what the forces acting on a system are and what the values of parameters like mass and charge are in order to describe a real system, QFT requires specification of particles, the symmetries they obey and parameters such as their masses and charges.

The goal of this class we will be to attempt to understand a very simple QFT called quantum electrodynamics that describes the interactions of charged particles such as electrons and protons with particles of light (photons).


Important announcements regarding the class schedule/tests etc. will be posted here and announced in class as well. Please check here regularly for updates.

The final exam will be held on Monday, May 4th 2015 from 2 pm - 5 pm.

Assignment 2 has been uploaded and is due on Thursday (20/5/2015) by 5 pm.

HW9 has been uploaded and will be discussed on Friday (24/4/2015). We will also have a discussion on Monday (20/4/2015). This week is your last chance to participate in discussion.

HW8 has been uploaded and will be discussed on Wednesday (1/4/2015). We will also discuss problem 2 of HW7.

Midsem solutions have been uploaded.

HW7 has been uploaded and will be discussed on Friday (27/3/2015).

Reminder: Extra class (discussion section) on Tuesday, 24/3/2015 at 2:30 pm.

HW6 has been uploaded and will be discussed on Friday (20/3/2015).

By request, the discussion for Friday (13/3/2015) has been moved to Monday (16/3/2015). Please note the discussion section policy regarding your grades:

Discussion problem solving is 10% of your grade. If there are no volunteers for the weekly problem solving, names are called at random. If your name is called and you are not present in class, you will lose your class participation points. Since we have been running over time on discussion sections, I advise you all to work out the HW problems in full detail before discussion section. You will have a maximum of half an hour to present your solution. If you are having difficulty with the HW, you can meet me during the week to get some hints.

This Friday (13/3/2015), we will have a discussion based on Q3 of HW5 and Q4 and Q5 of the midterm. The midterm has been uploaded and can be found in the list of files below.

The midterm will be on Monday, 2nd March 2015 between 2 - 4 pm. You are allowed to bring your OWN notes and any one textbook of your choice.

Assignment 1 solutions have been uploaded.

Assignment 1 will be due for written submission in class on Friday 27/2/2015. This assignment will be 7.5% of your grade. You are allowed to discuss the assignment, but as always you MUST write up the solutions on your own.

No classes on Thursday and Friday 19/2/2015 and 20/2/2015 on account of the education trip.

Extra class will be held on Tuesday, February 10th at 10:30 am.

We will have a discussion for HW5 on Wednesday, Feb 11th at 10:30 am.

No classes on Thursday and Friday (Feb 12th/13th) this week.

HW 5 has been uploaded and will be discussed in class on Wednesday 11/2/2015.

HW 4 has been uploaded and will be discussed in class on Friday 30/1/2015.

HW 3 has been uploaded and will be discussed in class on Friday 23/1/2015.

HW 1 and 2 have been uploaded and will be discussed in class on Friday 9/1/2015.

Class schedule

Mon 9:30-10:30 am

Wed 10:35-11:35 am

Thur 9:30-10:30 am

Fri 10:35-11:35 am (Discussion section)

Office Hours: Tue 4-5 pm (or by appointment), my office is room 206.


Note on change in grading policy: you will be awarded 10% of your class participation grade for presentation in discussion section.

There will be two assignments, one before the mid-semester examination and one after. These will constitute 15% of your grade.

Class participation: 10%

Assignments: 15%

Midsem: 25%

Final: 50%

Problems and derivations will be assigned as HW assignments each week.

You are encouraged to discuss the graded HW and assignment problems with each other, but you must write up the final solutions on your own! Each Friday we will have a dedicated problem solving/tutorial session to discuss the HW. During these sessions you might be asked to lead the discussion. Participation in leading the discussion in addition to other classroom participation will make up 10% of your grade.

Discussion problem solving is 10% of your grade. If there are no volunteers for the weekly problem solving, names are called at random. If your name is called and you are not present in class, you will lose your class participation points. Since we have been running over time on discussion sections, I advise you all to work out the HW problems in full detail before discussion section. You will have a maximum of half an hour to present your solution. If you are having difficulty with the HW, you can meet me during the week to get some hints.

The goal of the discussion is not just to come up with the right answer, but also to clearly present your thought process to an audience. Communication skills are an important part of doing science! When presenting, focus on being clear about the logical flow of your arguments and if you are stuck on a problem, try and explain why you are stuck.


We will be following a combination of textbooks, you may choose to consult some of these references below (these are by no means exhaustive):

1. Peskin and Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (Main textbook)

2. Maggiore, A Modern Introduction to Quantum Field Theory

3. Anthony Zee, Quantum Field Theory in a nutshell

4. David Tong's lecture notes are freely available on the web at this link.

Some additional references on particle physics,

1. Halzen and Martin, Quarks and Leptons

2. D. H. Perkins, Introduction to High Energy Physics

Weekly Updates

Important subject related discussions and links will be posted here.

Week #1 (Jan 6th-9th)

HW1 can now be downloaded from the list of files below.

HW2 can now be downloaded from the list of files below.

Week #3 (Jan 19th-23rd)

HW3 can now be downloaded from the list of files below.

Week #4 (Jan 27th-30th)

HW4 can now be downloaded from the list of files below.

Week #7 (Feb 9th-13th)

HW5 can now be downloaded from the list of files below.