
PhD students:

I am currently looking for talented students who are interested in working in the areas of astroparticle physics, quantum field theory, and black hole information. Previous project/research experience in High Energy Particle Physics, Astrophysics , Cosmology, Quantum Field Theory, along with relevant coursework would be a plus. If you are interested in applying, please apply formally through the IIT-B physics department webpage. The admissions open twice a year, with interviews in May and December.

IIT-B MSc and B.Tech students:

I am always glad to offer projects to interested and motivated students. You can either drop by my office or send me an email describing your area of interest and the timeline that you are looking at for working on the project. Please note that I will only be able to work with you subject to my current time constraints.

Summer/Winter Internship students and longer term project staff:

Please send me a detailed email with your CV and clearly describe any relevant coursework and research experience. It may not be possible for me to reply to all the email that I get, so please be assured that I would have read your email and will consider it if there is an opening.