VLC - DeckLink

DeckLink Output - free video output plugin for popular VLC Media Player for Windows.

Plugin sends uncompressed video & audio to BlackMagic Design DeckLink family SDI/HDMI cards

including Intensity Pro 4K and Intensity Shuttle.



Inspired by original decklink_output module which is not part of standard VLC distribution.

Developed and tested on Windows 10 64-bit with BMD Intensity Pro 4K card.

Executables and documentation can be downloaded from:

2020-02-26: vlc-decklink version 1.0.1 - DeckLink API 11.5, 32+64 bit versions

2020-01-22: vlc-decklink version 1.0.0

(Project is mirrored and commented on http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1896637)