

18. (with B. Hu)  On the curved trilinear Hilbert transform, 103 pages; arXiv:, 2023, submitted;

17. (with A. Gaitan)  Non-zero to zero curvature transition: Operators along hybrid curves with no quadratic (quasi-)resonances, 89 pages, arXiv:, 2022, submitted;

16. (with C. Benea, F. Bernicot and M. Vitturi)  The non-resonant bilinear Hilbert--Carleson operator, 144 pages; arXiv:, 2021, submitted

15. A unified approach to three themes in harmonic analysis (I and II):(I) The linear Hilbert transform and maximal operator along variable curves; (II) Carleson Type operators in the presence of curvature; (III) The bilinear Hilbert transform and maximal operator along variable curves,  Adv. Math. 437, 1--104, 2024; (arXiv:, 2019);

14. The Polynomial Carleson Operator, Ann. of Math., (2), 192(1):47--163, 2020

13.  (with A. Gaitan) The Boundedness of the (Sub)Bilinear Maximal Function along ``non-flat" smooth curves, J. Fourier Anal. Appl., 26(4): (69), 33, 2020.

12. The pointwise convergence of the Fourier Series (II); The strong L1 boundedness of the lacunary Carleson operator, Adv. Math., 357, 1--84, 2019;

11. Long term regularity of the one-fluid Euler-Maxwell system in 3D with vorticity, (with A. Ionescu), Adv. Math., 325, 719--769, 2018; 

10. On the boundedness of the Bilinear Hilbert Transform along 'non-flat' smooth curves. The Banach triangle case (Lr, 1 < r < infinity), Rev. Mat. Iberoam., 34 (1), 331--353, 2018;

9.  A Note on the Polynomial Carleson Operator in higher dimensions, 20 pages,

 arXiv:, 2017

8. Maximal operators and Hilbert transforms along variable non-flat homogeneous curves, (with S. Guo, J. Hickman and J. Ross), Proc. Lond. Math. Soc, 115 (1), 177--219, 2017.

7. The pointwise convergence of the Fourier Series (I); On a conjecture of Konyagin, J. Eur. Math. Soc., 19(6), 1655-1728, 2017.

6. On the absence of ”splash” singularities in the case of two-fluid interfaces, (with C. Fefferman and A. Ionescu), Duke Math. J. 165 (3), 417-462, 2016;

5. The boundedness of the Bilinear Hilbert Transform along “non-flat” smooth curves, Amer. J. Math., 137(2), pp. 313-364, 2015.

4. On the boundedness of the Carleson operator near L1, Rev. Mat. Iberoam., 29(4),1239-1262, 2013.

3. On the pointwise convergence of the sequence of partial Fourier sums along lacunary subsequences, J. Funct. Anal., 263 (11), 3391-3411, 2012.

2. The (weak-L2) Boundedness of the Quadratic Carleson Operator, Geom. Funct. Anal., 19, pp. 457- 497, 2009.

1. Approximation of infinite matrices by matricial Haar polynomials, (with S. Barza and N. Popa), Ark. Mat., 43, 251-269, 2005.


1) (with C. Benea and F. Bernicot)    On the Hybrid Trilinear Hilbert Transform.

2) (with B. Hu) On the curved Trilinear Hilbert and Maximal operator: Beyond Banach range.

3) (with M. Hsu) Continuous versus discrete models in time-frequency analysis: The Bilinear Hilbert transform and Triangular Hilbert transform along curves.

4) (with C. Fefferman  A. Ionescu and A. Israel) Understanding the limiting 2D water-waves splash scenario.


4. Integral operators in infinite matrix theory: the study of the matriceal Riesz projection, Master Thesis, published in part as a distinct chapter in the book: ''Matrix Spaces and Schur Multipliers: Matriceal Harmonic Analysis'' by Lars-Erik Persson and Nicolae Popa, (World Scientific, 2014, ISBN: 978-981-4546-77-5).

3. Topics in time-frequency analysis: Extensions of Carleson’s Theorem on the pointwise convergence of the Fourier Series, Proceedings of the International Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, Brasov, July 2011.

2. Relational Time-Frequency Analysis, Ph.D. Thesis.

1. On Stein's conjecture on the Polynomial Carleson Operator, Oberwolfach Reports, 32, 1800--1802, 2008;