Conference/Seminar Organization

5.  Co-organizer (joint with F. Di Plinio (University of Naples "Federico II", Italy)) of the UMI-AMS Special Session on ``Harmonic Analysis and Geometric Measure theory" that is part of The 2nd Joint Meeting co-organized by the Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI) and the American Mathematical Society (AMS),  Universita degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo, Sicily, Italy, July 23-26 2024. 

4.  Co-organizer (joint with E. Indrei (Purdue University))  of the AMS Special Session on ``The Interface Between Nonlinear PDEs, Harmonic Analysis, and Quantitative Geometric and Functional Inequalities" that is part of the Spring Central Sectional Meeting, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, March 26-27, 2022.

3. Co-organizer of the Banff workshop "Restriction, Kakeya, and Carleson-Type Problems"  April 26 - May 1, 2020, (organized jointly with N. Katz (Caltech) and J. Zahl (UBC) , canceled due to Covid).

2. Co-organizer of the Harmonic Analysis Graduate Student Seminar during the MSRI Program in Harmonic Analysis, Spring 2017, (organized jointly with P. Auscher (Univ of Paris Sud)).

1. Co-organizer of the AIM workshop "Carleson Theorems and Multilinear Operators", May 2015, (organized jointly with P. Gressman (UPenn), L. Pierce (Duke) and P. L. Yung (Chinese Univ of Hong Kong) ).