Second Day - 18/11
Secondo giorno || Second Day (18/11/2020)
Secondo giorno || Second Day (18/11/2020)

Pleistocene climate changes and their effects on mediterranean Europe terrestrial habitats: what ungulate fossil teeth can tell us.
Pleistocene climate changes and their effects on mediterranean Europe terrestrial habitats: what ungulate fossil teeth can tell us.
Strani et al.
Strani et al.

Is the cerebellum a taxonomic and phylogenetic cue in Canis-like forms? Understandings from gross morphology.
Is the cerebellum a taxonomic and phylogenetic cue in Canis-like forms? Understandings from gross morphology.
Moscarella et al.
Moscarella et al.

Preliminary data on a new Late Pleistocene fossil-bearing locality from Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania).
Preliminary data on a new Late Pleistocene fossil-bearing locality from Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania).
Azzarà et al.
Azzarà et al.

Integrating Fossil Information in Ancestral State Estimation with RRphylo.
Integrating Fossil Information in Ancestral State Estimation with RRphylo.
Castiglione et al.
Castiglione et al.

Getting fossils back in shape: a new protocol for 3D virtual reconstructions.
Getting fossils back in shape: a new protocol for 3D virtual reconstructions.
Melchionna et al.
Melchionna et al.

The appearance of culturally-defined climatic niche in humans.
The appearance of culturally-defined climatic niche in humans.
Mondanaro et al.
Mondanaro et al.

Preliminary data on a new Late Pleistocene fossil-bearing locality from Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania).
Preliminary data on a new Late Pleistocene fossil-bearing locality from Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania).
Borghini et al.
Borghini et al.

Summer is coming: small mammals reveal geographical and temporal paleoprecipitation patterns during the mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum in Western Europe.
Summer is coming: small mammals reveal geographical and temporal paleoprecipitation patterns during the mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum in Western Europe.
Jovells Vaqué et al.
Jovells Vaqué et al.